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“The Roots –greg–, –here–, and –sim–”

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1 “The Roots –greg–, –here–, and –sim–”
Vocabulary Lesson 27

2 English 11 Homework: 3-Column Chart
WORD ALL DEFINITIONS (COPY FROM THE SHEET!) YOUR OWN SENTENCE - THIS WEEK, Any of the following: 1. Compound 2. Complex 3. Colons 4. Quotes 5. Appositives 6. Participial Phrases 7. Words with hyphens 8. Parallel Structure 9. FOR EACH SENTENCE, WRITE 10. WHICH TYPE YOU ARE USING!!!

3 Adhere DEF: A. To stick tightly to a surface B. To be loyal or devoted to something C. To carry out a plan or program without straying from it POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: How might someone adhere to something? EXAMPLE: PARTICIPIAL PHRASE – Giving up fast food, John adhered to his diet plan.

4 Aggregate DEF: A. Total; amounting to a whole B. A total composed of different parts C. To add up; to gather into a mass, sum, or whole POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might someone estimate is the aggregate population of Las Vegas? EXAMPLE: QUOTE – ______ said, “I estimate that the aggregate population of Las Vegas is…”

5 Cohere DEF: A. To stick together in a mass that resists separation B. To be internally consistent and have logically linked parts POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might someone do to make his/her essay cohere? EXAMPLE: PARELLEL STRUCTURE – To make your essay cohere, you need to _____, to _____, and to _____.

6 Dissimulate DEF: To disguise under a fake appearance; to conceal feelings or intentions POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Why might someone dissimulate his/her feelings? EXAMPLE: COMPLEX – The girl/boy dissimulated her/his feelings because…

7 Egregious DEF: Conspicuously bad or offensive
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What egregious fashion choices should people avoid? EXAMPLE: COLON – Avoid the following egregious fashion choices: ______, ______, and ______.

8 Ensemble DEF: A whole unit or group composed of complementary or coordinated parts POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might an ensemble of singers do? EXAMPLE: HYPHEN - The (hyphenated-word) ensemble of singers…

9 Facsimile DEF: An exact copy or reproduction
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might happen when you make a facsimile of a document? EXAMPLE: COMPOUND – I made a facsimile of a document, and/but… (complete sentence).

10 Gregarious DEF: Sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Who is someone gregarious? EXAMPLE: APPOSITIVE – ______, (rename noun), is gregarious.

11 Inherent DEF: Inborn; naturally a part of something; intrinsic
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is (or is not) something inherent in most humans? EXAMPLE: Which type of sentence could you use?

12 Semblance DEF: A. An outward or a token appearance B. A very small amount; the barest trace POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is something that everyone should have at least a semblance of? EXAMPLE: Which type of sentence could you use?

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