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500 Year Anniversary of the Reformation: October 31, 2017

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1 500 Year Anniversary of the Reformation: October 31, 2017


3 The Babylonian Captivity , 1st Edition, List Price: $48,000 from the Manhattan Rare Book Company

4 Reformation Wall, Geneva Switzerland (Theodore de Beze, John Calvin, John Knox, and Ggullaume Farelya)

5 Post Tenebras Lux (“After darkness, light”)


7 “The Candlestick” (17th Century Engraving)



10 Luther Quotes

11 “I must hearken to the gospel, which teacheth me, not what I ought to do, (for that is the proper office of the law,) but what Jesus Christ the Son of God hath done for me: to wit, that He suffered and died to deliver me from sin and death. The gospel willeth me to receive this, and to believe it. And this is the truth of the gospel. It is also the principal article of all Christian doctrine, wherein the knowledge of all godliness consisteth. Most necessary it is, therefore, that we should know this article well, teach it unto others, and beat it into their heads continually.” – Martin Luther, St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians

12 “Lord Jesus, You are my righteousness, I am your sin
“Lord Jesus, You are my righteousness, I am your sin. You took on you what was mine; yet set on me what was yours. You became what you were not, that I might become what I was not.”

13 “The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands.”

14 “Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man would stake his life on it one thousand times. This confidence in God's grace and knowledge of it makes men glad and bold and happy in dealing with God and with all creatures; and this is the work of the Holy Ghost in faith.”

15 “When the devil throws our sins up to us and declares we deserve death and hell, we ought to speak thus: ‘I admit that I deserve death and hell. What of it? Does this mean that I shall be sentenced to eternal damnation? By no means. For I know One who suffered and made a satisfaction in my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Where he is, there I shall be also.’”

16 “Take myself as an example
“Take myself as an example. I opposed indulgences and all the papists, but never with force. I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. And then, while I slept, or drank Wittenberg beer with my Philip and my Amsdorf, the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that never a prince or emperor did such damage to it. I did nothing. The Word did it all.”

17 “Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!”



20 bf

21 Lutherans

22 Reformed (John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli)

23 Anabaptists

24 First Anabaptist Martyr: Felix Manz (Punishment for 2nd baptism was 3rd baptism)

25 Anabaptist: Menno Simons and Balthasar Hubmaier

26 Anglican (Henry VIII & Thomas Cranmer)


28 – A Reforming Catholic Confession – THE REFORMING CATHOLIC CONFESSION A “Mere Protestant” Statement of Faith to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation WHAT WE, PROTESTANTS OF DIVERSE CHURCHES AND THEOLOGICAL TRADITIONS, SAY TOGETHER

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