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The Cell Theory Hairy T-cell.

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1 The Cell Theory Hairy T-cell

2 Definition Three part theory about cells
1. All living things are made of cells.

3 Part 2 of the Theory 2. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.

4 Part 3 of the Theory 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
yeast cells dividing

5 Who came up with this theory?
All plants are made of cells! 1. Schleiden (circa 1838) Onion skin cells

6 Who came up with this theory?
2. Schwann All animals are made of cells! Human red blood cells

7 Who came up with this theory?
3. Virchow All cells come from pre-existing cells!

8 How big are cells? Microscopic (mostly)
Measured in microns µm = (micrometers) A µm is one millionth of a meter = 10-9 m = one thousandth of 1 mm.

9 How big are cells? Smallest free-living cell = Mycoplasma genitalium
Size = 0.2 to 0.3 µm

10 How big are cells? Bacteria e.g. Eschericia coli (aka E.coli)
Size=1 µm by 3 µm

11 How big are cells? Human red blood cell = 8 µm in diameter

12 How big are cells? Largest cell on the human body = ovum
Size= 1000 µm in diameter (1 mm)

13 How big are cells? Smallest cell in the human body = sperm cell.
Size= 50 µm in diameter (0.05 mm)

14 How big are cells? Largest cell with a metabolism = Chaos chaos
Size=1-5 mm in length. Common name = Giant Amoeba Chaos diffluens, is an amoeba closely related to the giant amoebae

15 How big are cells? Largest cell = yolk of an ostrich egg

16 How can we study cells? Problem: They are microscopic! Solution:
Use a microscope!

17 Types of Microscopes Compound light microscope
Light passes through lenses to magnify image up to 1000X Can observe living cells



20 Types of Microscopes 2. Electron microscope
Uses a beam of electrons to magnify image > 1000X Kills cells being observed

21 Common features of all cells
Small size – allows materials to move via diffusion Diffusion = process by which molecules move from levels of high concentration to levels of low concentration until equilibrium is reached

22 Diffusion

23 Common features of all cells
Cell Membrane – selectively/differentially permeable (lets some things in and out)

24 Common features of all cells
2. Cytoplasm – semi-fluid material in which cell organelles float

25 Common features of all cells
3. Nucleic acid containing genetic code : Which nucleic acid? DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid

26 Common features of all cells
4. Cytoskeleton – proteins that support the cell (Microtubules & microfilaments)

27 Common features of all cells
5. Ribosomes – make proteins

28 If Cells could be really big ……
Star Trek - The Immunity Syndrome

29 Bibliography

30 Bibliography
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