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More on Particular SoS Topics (19/21) – Summary (1/3)

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1 More on Particular SoS Topics (19/21) – Summary (1/3)
See Notes Page More on Particular SoS Topics (19/21) – Summary (1/3) You should feel stimulated enough by some of these SoS topics to dig deeper, especially in applying these ideas to your case studies. Here are some notable quotes from (Boardman Sauser 2008): Balancing perception and deception is a notion that has never been better expounded than by C. West Churchman, who characterized the nature of inquiry as an endless cycle of perception and deception. … (p. 33) … William of Ockham … is attributed with formulating this law, known as Ockham's razor: the simplest explanation to a problem is the best explanation. … (p. 36) … We truly believe that to lead is to serve, that to be great is to be humble … (p. 61) “Time to Think” sections of (Boardman Sauser 2008) has great problems to contemplate and try to solve (if you like that kind of thing, as do I). Here are some notable quotes from (Boardman Sauser 2008): Balancing perception and deception is a notion that has never been better expounded than by C. West Churchman*, who characterized the nature of inquiry as an endless cycle of perception and deception. … in our current state of confusion where able to perceive certain patterns and truths that lead us toward light and comfort and where we are able to remain peacefully and profitably for a while until we discover that what we saw was not correct. … and we are once again trapped in confusion, but perhaps a better state than when previously deceptive conditions held us. We inquire on and discover fresh perceptions and eventually with these new patterns and truths points frisk fresh comfort. This entire cycle is humbling, a quality that serves the community well. … (p. 33) … Law of parsimony states that given several explanations of a specific phenomenon, the simplest is probably the best. … William of Ockham, a fourteenth-century English philosopher and Franciscan friar, is attributed with formulating this law, known as Ockham's razor: the simplest explanation to a problem is the best explanation. For the architect this boils down to the maxim “entities need not be needlessly multiplied.” The engineer’s equivalent is KISS [Keep It Simple, Stupid!]. (p. 36) … We truly believe that to lead is to serve, that to be great is to be humble, that strength comes from meekness, and that intelligence is greater for community. … (p. 61) At the end of most chapters of (Boardman Sauser 2008), under the Time to Think sections, there are some great problems with which we all might wrestle during some of our classes. 4/24/2019 _______ * C. W. Churchman, The Systems Approach. New York: Dell Books

2 More on Particular SoS Topics (20/21) – Summary (2/3) – INCOSE/ISSS View of Linking Systems Science to Practice through Systems Thinking 4/24/2019 2 (Ireland and Cook 2014)

3 More on Particular SoS Topics (21/21) – Summary (3/3) – Positioning Our SoSE Investigation
Systems Thinking (for holism and systemic approaches) Soft Systems Methodologies (for accommodating human behavior) Systems Engineering (SE) (for practice of problem solving) – Complex Systems Engineering (CSE), Enterprise Systems Engineering (ESE), System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) Systems Science (for knowledge and understanding) – Complexity Theory, Complex Systems (CS) 4/24/2019 3

4 SoSE Examples Case studies are of critical importance in learning what works and what doesn't work in SoSE. Case studies are also important in ESE and CSE. Unfortunately, case studies are not often conducted in conventional SE. 23 recent case studies can be found in the course textbook (Gorod, White, Ireland, Gandhi, and Sauser, 2015). Several other case studies of interest can be found on the SEBoK web site: Several are suggested as recommended reading: Help from anyone having short case study recommendations for SEBoK would be appreciated. (I would be glad to pass them on.) Because a solid theory of SoSE has not yet been established, case studies are of critical importance in learning from practice in the field what works and what doesn't work. Indeed, case studies are important in ESE and CSE, as well. Unfortunately, in conventional SE case studies do not seem to be conducted that often. 23 recent case studies can be found in the course textbook (Gorod, White, Ireland, Gandhi, and Sauser, 2015). Several other case studies of interest can be found on the SEBoK web site: The following case studies found there, in particular, are suggested as recommended reading. If anyone has additional recommendations for short case studies that can be entered in the SEBoK, please contact B. E. White: Perhaps some of the results from the case studies in this course could be offered. 4/24/2019

5 Again, let’s now hear some of your comments on this course to date.
Takeaways SoSs are becoming better understood. SoSE is Challenging Largely devoid of theory But under development Improving, mostly through Experience Practice Case Studies In need of greater emphasis. Some potentially useful SoSE techniques Have been offered Need to be tested further May result in a more cogent SoSE theory. Ask yourself how you might help progress the SoSE state-of-the-art. Again, let’s now hear some of your comments on this course to date. 4/24/2019

6 Syllabus (tentative) (1/2)
4/24/2019 6

7 Reminder Since Session 3 you should have
Selected and Analyzed Your SoS Case Study Participated in Discussion Board 3 Taken Quiz 3 4/24/2019

8 Assignments for Session 5
Case Study Track (Re)Engineer Your SoS Case Study Discussion Board 4 (one post and one response) - Choose 1 or 2 below Investigate Architecture Frameworks for SoSs a. To what extent would any framework (your choice) be appropriate for making significant progress with an SoS architecture? b. Justify and support your answer. 2. Compose an initial set of rules for the productive agent-based modeling of a set of systems (agents) in an SoS. a. Which of your rules would be tested for their necessity and sufficiency, and in what order? Quiz 4 How and why are non-technological factors important in SoSE? Rank three factors you feel are most important. Briefly state your rationale for that ranking. 4/24/2019

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