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Parts of the Exam Part 1 Tomorrow

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1 Parts of the Exam Part 1 Tomorrow
Part A – Persuasive Paragraph – Write a 2-point paragraph about one of the following topics: Part B – Narrative Paragraph – Tell a story about one of the following: Part C – Advertisement Analysis – Choose one of the pictures and analyze the camera shot. Each part of the exam should be approximately 5-7 sentences long. You can write more sentences, but you have to be aware of the time.

2 What am I doing on this exam?
To know the structure of the exam. To understand how you will be marked on the exam. To be able to study and practise writing a paragraph for the exam (TOMORROW!) Audience; Persuasive; Narrative; Camera Shot; Director; Rubric

3 Medium Shot Identify the camera shot
Describe what you see in the camera shot. Why did the director use that camera shot? What is the possible effect on the audience?

4 Medium Shot One effective shot used is... [name the shot]
In this shot, the audience sees... [describe what is happening] The director would choose this shot to show/emphasize/point out... [analysis] The possible effect on the audience is... [evaluation/prediction]

Stop, finish, postpone, quit, avoid, risk, consider, imagine, miss, admit, deny, recommend to [infinitive] Offer, agree, refuse, decide, plan, arrange, hope, manage, fail, deserve, afford, forget, promise, threaten, learn

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