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WALRUS King of the seals By: MB.

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1 WALRUS King of the seals By: MB

2 INTRODUTION Your Text Here The name of my animal is walrus
The scientific name is Odobenus In the seal family As you can see they aren’t very pretty Your Text Here

3 PHYSICAL FEATURES A walrus is… A gray or tan color
Whiskers are its only hair Nose looks like two holes You can’t even see its ears Very big, can be up to12 feet long Comes in different sizes

4 LIFESPAN 35 years 6,000 hunted each year
Walruses live for… 35 years 6,000 hunted each year Usally die don’t usally get killed Killed by eskimo’s for clothing and food

5 HABITAT A walrus lives… In the cold parts of the north pole
In summer they stay in the Arctic Circle In winter move south with ice On northern coast of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

6 FOOD Walruses eat… Clams and other shellfish They are carnivores
Throw away shells Sometimes swallow stones or pebbles Stones or pebbles help destroy food

7 PREDITOR and PREY PREY PREDATOR Clams Other shellfish Polar bears
Killer whales

8 BEHAVIOR sleep on ice floes or rocky beaches
Males make sounds like bells Females and males form separate herds Biggest lead herd

9 REPRODUTION Are pregnant for 15 or 16 months Born in spring or summer
Walruses have babies when… Are pregnant for 15 or 16 months Born in spring or summer Nurse for 2 years On the ice Doesn’t have twins

10 CLIMATE The climate where walruses live is… Lot’s of snow
When cold blood from blubber goes into bodies When warm blood goes back into blubber Lot’s of ice to

11 LANDFORMS The landform where walruses is… No plants at all Very cold
Water around land A lot of snow and ice Rocky beaches Ice floes

12 PHYSICAL Tusks help threaten animals
Big,flat flippers help swim easily and fast Whiskers help find food Can turn flippers forward to walk

13 BEHAVIORAL Drags tusks to help find food
Go to land or ice to care for young Stay close to stay warm Temp above 59 stay cool Help neighbors by attacking preditors

14 PHYSIOLOGICAL Blubber helps keep warm
When cold blood vessels tighten to keep organs warm When warm blood vessels expand to let heat into envirment

15 FUN FACTS Walrus means tooth-walking seahorse
Each tusk has whiskers Can go underwater for 30 minutes In migration can travel 1,800 miles Skin changes color depending on temp Can sleep while swimming!

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