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Practice: Determine the molar mass for the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Practice: Determine the molar mass for the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice: Determine the molar mass for the following:
FeCl3 3.CaC2O4 P2O5 4. Ba(ClO3)2

2 Practice: Determine the molar mass for the following:
FeCl3 (35.45 * 3) = g/mole 2. P2O5 (30.97*2)+(16.00*5)= g/mole 3.CaC2O4 (2*12.01) + (4*16.00) = g/mole 4. Ba(ClO3)2 (35.45*2) +(16.00*6) = g/mole

3 (atom, molecule, formula units)
Particles (atom, molecule, formula units) Grams Mole Volume

4 A Mole= 6.02 x 1023 particles

5 or 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 molecule 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 formula unit
1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 atom or 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 molecule 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 formula unit

6 Particles Type of Substance Description Particles ( UNIT) Element
1 symbol ATOM Covalent Molecule 2 or more NM MOLECULE Ionic Compound Cation-Anion M -NM FORMULA UNIT

7 Determine the type of Particle
1. Mg 2. C3H8 3.NaCl 4. CBr4 5. Li 6. K2O 7. Cl2 8. H2O

8 Determine the type of Particle
1. Mg 2. C3H8 3.NaCl 4. CBr4 5. Li 6. K2O 7. Cl2 8. H2O

9 (atom, molecule, formula units)
Particles (atom, molecule, formula units) Mole

10 Using Representative Particles
Example Problems Using Representative Particles

11 How many molecules are in 2.12 mole of propane-C3H8 ?
Given Info: Conversions: Work: Looking for? Answer:

12 How many molecules are in 2.12 mole of propane-C3H8 ?
Given Info: 2.12 mole C3H8 Conversions: 1 mole = 6.02x1023 molecule Work: 2.12 mole x 1023 molecule C3H C3H8 1 mole C3H8 Looking for? molecules C3H8 Answer: x 1024 molecule C3H8

13 Example Problems Using Molar Mass

14 Grams Mole

15 How many molecules are in 4.42 x 106g of water molecules?
Given Info: Conversions: Work: Looking for? Answer

16 (atom, molecule, formula units)
Particles (atom, molecule, formula units) Grams Mole

17 How many molecules are in 4.42 x 106g of water molecules?
Given Info: 4.42 x 106g Conversions: MM = 18.02g H2O 1 mole 1mole = 6.02x1023 molecule Work: 4.42x106g 1 mole x1023 molecules H2O H2O H2O 18.02 g mole H2O H2O Looking for? molecules Answer: x 1029 molecules

18 Example Problems Using Molar Volume

19 Molar Volume @ STP only Standard Temperature and Pressure: STP
Standard Temperature: 273K Standard Pressure: 1 atmosphere (atm) At these 2 conditions: Molar Volume 1 mole = 22.4L

20 Mole Volume

21 How many liters are 2.78 x 1031 formula unit of lead (IV) oxide?
Given Info: Conversions: Work: Looking for? Answer: How many liters are 2.78 x 1031 formula unit of lead (IV) oxide?

22 How many liters are 2.78 x 1031 formula units of lead (IV) Oxide?
Given Info: 2.78 x 1031 molecules Conversions: 1 mole =6.02x1023 formula unit PbO2 Work: 2.78 x1031 formula unit PbO2 1 mole PbO L PbO2 6.02 x mole PbO2 formula unit PbO2 Looking for? liters Answer: 1.03 x 109 L PbO2 How many liters are 2.78 x 1031 formula units of lead (IV) Oxide?

23 A Mole is an Unit

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