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Silicon Effective mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Effective mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Effective mass

2 Energy bands –hydrogen atom
Another atom

3 Energy bands –hydrogen atom
Two atoms interaction One atom

4 Energy bands – analogy One car Two cars -- draft First car requires
more power (energy)

5 Covalent bonding # of electrons filled filled Atomic number Z element
1 H 2 He 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne # of electrons filled Covalent bonding filled

6 Covalent bonding # of electrons filled Atomic number Z element 11 Na 2
8 1 12 Mg 13 Al 3 14 Si 4 15 P 5 16 S 6 17 Cl 7 18 Ar # of electrons filled Covalent bonding

7 Energy bands – silicon +14 Electrons are tightly bound to the nucleus.
Electrons are weakly bound to the nucleus.

8 Two dimensional representation of covalent bonding

9 Periodic table is specified by quantum numbers
Most common IV material Most common III & V compounds

10 Energy bands – silicon @ T = 0° K
Forbidden energy +14 Valence band: topmost energy band containing electrons Conduction band: next higher energy band

11 Two dimensional representation of covalent bonding directional dependence

12 Two dimensional representation of covalent bonding
Electron jumps to the conduction band This leaves a vacancy "hole"

13 Two dimensional representation of covalent bonding T > 0
hole It appears that the vacancy is moving

14 Due to charged particles
Effective mass me* - + Electric field - Due to electric field Due to charged particles

15 Recall the Davisson-Germer experiment
Energy of a photon Eph = h

16 Recall the Davisson-Germer experiment
Effective massI

17 Effective mass calculation of a free electron

18 Effective mass positive and negative

19 Effective mass me* analogy
Negative mass Vacuum Fluid Ice cube in water Gravitational force Effective mass me* analogy

20 Periodic potentials – limiting case Kronig-Penny model

21 Rabani Kronig-Penny model. people. bu
Rabani Kronig-Penny model. /rabani.pdf Maximum is 1

22 Negative effective mass
Forbidden region Negative effective mass Positive effective mass

23 Energy bands – silicon @ T = 0° K
Conduction band Valence band 1) Valence band filled 2) No free electrons in conduction band ==> insulator


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