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Location Where is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Location Where is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Location Where is it?

2 Where can things exist?

3 Where can things exist? Time? Space? Thought? Memory (Computer?)

4 Chronology The science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates

5 “You have to know the past to understand the present.”
Dr. Carl Sagan

6 Chronology A location in time Timelines are an example of chronology
All history is in chronological order Chronology is the WHEN

7 Quick Timeline (10 mins) With your paper turned landscape please construct a timeline of one 24 hour day in your life Please include at least 5 significant events during the course of your day and the times in which they occur Please do not include sensitive information in your timeline Hand in your copy with your name at the top

8 Physical Location A place
Everything is located in place as well as in time Where something happened is important to understand why it happened Physical location is the WHERE

9 Social Organizations Does one’s location influence what is perceived to be a major historical event? Why?

10 Gregariousness A choice or desire to live in groups
Humans are notoriously “Gregarious” What other groups are gregarious? Some Animals Some Fish Some Plants

11 Gregarious Mind Map Gregarious Somewhat Non-Greg

12 Living in Groups Pros: Security Sense of belonging
Safety in numbers Sense of belonging Availability of services Specialization Greater prosperity

13 Living in Groups Cons: Crime Congestion Competition
Personality conflicts Pollution Surrender of personal liberty

14 Activity: European Groups (15 min)
You will each be given a blank map of Europe with numbers in each country. On the back of the sheet please write the number of the country with the name of the country next to it. No sources may be used, please collaborate with the rest of the class


16 Independence v.s. Interdependence
freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. Interdependence Depending on one and another – humans live in a society because they can best satisfy their needs and wants by working together

17 Social Organization What social organization did we just spend time mapping out?

18 Social Organizations (government) organizations of people – stem from and deal with the basic, universal problems of order and social life Because we interact in a society there must be order (rules) What would be the consequence of having no rules (laws)

19 Social Organizations Set forth and provide order and direction within a society They establish norms or values which are used to regulate human behaviour

20 Examples of Social Organizations
Families – provide for the needs of children Schools – transmission of culture from one generation to the next Government – collective decision making Merchants – meet the material needs of a society

21 Critical Question: Should social organizations be able to use sanctions to control and direct human behaviour? Should limits be placed on this power?

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