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Mr. Britten’s Math Class Name: _____________ Homework Due 11/28/18 1

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1 Mr. Britten’s Math Class Name: _____________ Homework Due 11/28/18 1
Mr. Britten’s Math Class Name: _____________ Homework Due 11/28/ What does PEMDAS stand for? ______________________________________________ 2. Use the order of Operations to evaluate each numeric expression. A) • 3 E) – 14 ÷ B). 17 – F). 144 ÷ • C). 32 ÷ D) – 2 • Evaluate each power raised to a power. A) B) C) 4. Use the order of Operations to evaluate each numeric expression. A) •9 B) –28 ÷ 2 +1 C). 19 – 1 3 D). 10 ÷ • E). 64 ÷ 4 2 F) –3 • BONUS QUESTION: Ten gnomes are about to be executed. Although they don't like the idea, they are each selfless and want to do anything (even by sacrificing themselves) in order to help their fellow gnomes. They are told what will happen to them: They will each be lined up single file, so that they are each facing the gnome in front of them. Each of them will be given a red or a white hat on their head, and from the back of the line (the gnome who can see everyone else) they will ask him to state his hat color, 'red' or 'white.' If he can state it corectly (he cannot see his own hat, only those in front of him), he is allowed to live. Knowing what is going to happen to them, they are allowed to deivse a strategy beforehand. How many peolpe can they guarantee to save, and what strategy will ensure this?  (There are NOT five reds and five whites necessarily!)

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