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Temporal changes in population rates of cardiac services, demographics, and AMI prevalence (relative to 1992) David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;380-387.

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Presentation on theme: "Temporal changes in population rates of cardiac services, demographics, and AMI prevalence (relative to 1992) David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;380-387."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporal changes in population rates of cardiac services, demographics, and AMI prevalence (relative to 1992) David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;

2 Temporal Changes in Age- and Sex-Adjusted Cardiac Diagnostic and Therapeutic Invasive Services per 1000 Adult Population David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;

3 Direct Expenditures Associated With Noninvasive and Invasive Cardiac Services in Ontario, Canada (All expenditures are in Canadian dollars) David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;

4 Temporal Changes in Cardiac Service Utilization According to Age, Gender, and Socioeconomic Subgroups SES indicates socioeconomic status. *Based on a model that included 10 years of data, which adjusted for SES and age-sex interactions David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;

5 Temporal trends in cardiac services according to disease-specific cohorts
David A. Alter, et al, Circulation 2006;113;

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