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Sentence Structure NOTES.

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1 Sentence Structure NOTES

2 The Basic Sentence S-V Pattern
Every sentence must have two parts: a Subject and a VERB The Subject has to be a noun, or something that acts like a noun, which can be A noun A pronoun A noun clause (a group of words that act as if they were all together one thing, like a noun “Whoever is finished the exam can leave.” Notice that this is the same kind of sentence as “John can leave”. “Whichever horse reaches the finish line first wins. Same as He wins.

3 Stealing is wrong. Skiing is expensive. Swimming is fun.
S-V Pattern d) A verbal ( a verb that we use as if it were a noun) Stealing is wrong. Skiing is expensive. Swimming is fun. To steal is wrong. To ski is expensive. To swim is fun. You can have a compound subject. John and Mary were arguing. My feet, my back, and my head ache. The shortest sentence you can make is one word, but that only works for commands. “Leave!” “Stop!” “Quiet.”

4 F.Y.I.: Four kinds of sentences
Declarative: makes a statement ( declares something). “It is raining.” “I am tired.” Exclamatory: same as declarative sentences, but with more emotion. “ I hate this!”, “ He’s a jerk!” Interrogative: asks a question. (interrogate) “Is it raining?”, “Are you tired?” Imperative: gives an order: (imperially, like an emperor)“Rake the leaves.”, “Wash the dishes.”

5 Two Word Sentences In your group, try to come up with FIVE, two word sentences.

6 VERBS S-V-o Pattern Transitive Linking
These verbs need an object to complete their message. “The dog bit….” needs more information – or an object- “The dog bit Mrs. Jiles” we now understand that the action of the biting was Mrs. Jiles. (Transitive Verb) “My teacher is Mr. Smith.” again, “My teacher is…” doesn’t tell us much. So we would continue by adding the object of who it is that teaches. (Linking Verb)

7 S-V-o-io Pattern Sometimes, we still need more information to complete a thought. Jenny gave a dollar to the man. S V O IO (indirect object) or Jenny gave the man a dollar. S V IO O Notice when we move the IO before the O the word “to” disappears. A dollar – is called the direct object , or in this case, “the object” because that is the thing most affected by the giving- the thing in her hand being given. But the man is being affected by her giving, too. He is the indirect object. Indirect objects usually have the word “to” in front of it ( I sent a letter to her.) OR you can add the word “to” in your head ( I sent her a letter.)

8 S-V-o-io Pattern Occaisionally, you will find that “to” doesn’t work, but adding the preposition “for” will work and you will find that by doing this it will reveal the indirect object. She did a favour for me. She did me a favour. Me is the indirect object I baked a cake for Jim. I baked Jim a cake. Jim is the indirect object.

9 In your group, come up with 3 examples of S-V-o-io Pattern
Complete #3 of your basic sentence building sheet. Your homework will be Grammar worksheet #2 due tomorrow.

10 Practice Sentences Jennifer gave the money to Paul.
He sent a message to you. I wrote my grandmother a letter. The pitcher threw the ball to Joe. Jessica told a secret to me. He did a favour for us. Her parents threw a party for Susie. My friends saved me a seat. We mailed the parcel to Aunt Ellen. We rode our bicycles to the park.

11 Jennifer gave the money to Paul.
He sent a message to you. I wrote my grandmother a letter. The pitcher threw the ball to Joe. Jessica told a secret to me. He did a favour for us. Her parents threw a party for Susie. My friends saved me a seat. We mailed the parcel to Aunt Ellen. We rode our bicycles to the park.

12 More PRACTICE! Pizza, I love. I hate spinach. Are you Mr. McLean?
To his girlfriend, Shane gave a ring. A ring, Shane gave his girlfriend. A ring, to his girlfriend, gave Shane. I should have decided to do my homework. I am going to try to help you. You, I want to help; A surprise for their teacher the class was planning.

13 More ANSWERS! Pizza, I love. I hate spinach. Are you Mr. McLean?
To his girlfriend, Shane gave a ring. A ring, Shane gave his girlfriend. A ring, to his girlfriend, gave Shane. I should have decided to do my homework. I am going to try to help you. You, I want to help. A surprise for their teacher the class was planning.

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