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Semper Property Management System (PMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Semper Property Management System (PMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semper Property Management System (PMS)
Welcome Presentation of the Semper Property Management System (PMS) Hit “enter” or the space bar to continue or select “Page-up” to view a previous slides Visit our website to view other products in the Semper stable

2 This is the log-in screen –
each user has their own unique user id and password. A profile is setup for each user that determines which functions they may access.

3 A ribbon interface groups logical functions together such as Reservations, Front Desk, Accounting, Admin etc. We will visit each later in the presentation

4 A calendar display is presented which covers 3 months at a time
Rooms are listed on the left A navigation bar is displayed at the bottom. The small arrow advances (or goes back) one week and the larger arrow one month. The “o” returns to the current month

5 Each reservation is recorded on the calendar together with a status (e
Each reservation is recorded on the calendar together with a status (e.g. Provisional, Confirmed, In-house, checked-out etc.) Each colour represents a different status. i.e Light blue designates a provisional reservation, yellow a confirmed etc. Bookings in Italics represent group bookings All colours can be customized as can the information that gets displayed on the calendar.

6 The transaction screen is utilized for processing reservation transactions and invoicing
Click directly on any reservation to open Comprehensive reservation information is recorded for each reservation. Special guest requirements are automatically inserted in the reservation

7 Multiple functions can be performed within this screen including recording of charges (sales), payments, expenses, invoices (deposit, pro-forma and final) etc. Multiple accounts are managed by using the allocation feature and selecting the account to be processed

8 Quick access toolbar enables each user to customize most-used functions
Right-click on any reservation and a menu is displayed to enable quick access to commonly used functions The last 20 reservations worked on can be selected from the drop-down list Many tools exist to improve productivity.

9 The functions found under the GENERAL Tab

10 Comprehensive search capability
Quick access to any person in the database including guests, travel agents, company contacts etc. Comprehensive reports with over 100 to choose from. Limit employees to selected reports Setup own favorite list for quick access

11 Access to birthdays and anniversaries
Automatically displayed the first time a user logs in Ability to send from the system Information posted from telephone management systems and /or point of sales systems can instantly be viewed including historic postings Favorite reports represented by an icon on ribbon for quick access

12 The functions found under the RESERVATIONS Tab

13 All previous quotes are listed
Remarks on each indicate activity required Quotes can be deleted or set as in-active New quotes can be produced using a wizard style interface – one screen at a time Or The more experienced users can select the tabs at the top of the screen A quote can be produced and ed within 60 seconds Standard templates ensures professional and consistent look and feel of the quotes quote directly from the system All quotes are stored and managed in the system Any quote can be altered and re-send Remarks can be added to keep track of the progress of each quote Can be transferred to waitlist or directly onto the calendar as a reservation

14 Waitlists are presented and managed in a similar way to quotes.
waitlist directly from the system All waitlisted reservations are managed in the system Remarks can be added to keep track of the progress of each waitlist Can be transferred to the calendar as a reservation Once recorded a special tab highlights the waitlisted date

15 A new reservation can be recorded by selecting the New function or by selecting the appropriate cell on the calendar. (e.g. The example shows twin room 4 arriving on the 31st of October selected) The new function activates a quick and easy to use wizard that directs the user through the process as will be demonstrated next.

16 Select the new reservation wizard
Record a new reservation Example 1. An individual requests a new reservation and will pay all charges

17 Select the arrival and departure dates.
Only available rooms are displayed for selection Once a screen has been completed the user selects “Next” Select “An individual” as the booking agent. Note: The Rate can be changed at this point. (The system inserts the venue default rate as set within the admin system) Next enter the number of adults and children

18 Next enter the guest details.
The system automatically searches the database for return guests. By highlighting one of the entries, all information is displayed to enable the user to identify the guest. Once the guest details have been entered (or selected), a summary of the reservation is displayed for verification. Deposit invoices and directions can be generated at this point. These documents can be ed directly from the system. This ends the process and the reservation is recorded in the system

19 Select the new reservation wizard
Record a new reservation Example 2. A travel agent or company requests a new reservation and will pay all accommodation charges. The guest will pay incidentals

20 A list of companies are presented for selection together with contacts at the company.
(a new contact can also be defined) Then select the booking agent as a travel agent or company Next enter the number of adults and children Select the arrival and departure dates. Only available rooms are displayed for selection

21 A summary of the reservation is produced
If a deposit is required, a deposit invoice can be produced as well as directions to the venue. These can be ed directly from the system End

22 Deposit tracking is designed to manage all outstanding deposits from a single environment.
The user has the ability to: Open any of the reservations listed by double clicking on a reservation Record a deposit payment (which confirms the reservation and removes it from this list) Record activity required to manage the collection of deposits Display any of the deposit related reports.

23 Groups – This function enables the creation of group booking.
This can also be achieved via the NEW reservation function Extensive support for group management is present.

24 The Provisional line was selected and a list of all provisional reservations are displayed
Double click on any reservation to open the individual reservation All reservations – Displays a list of all active reservations with the ability to drill-down to the individual reservation.

25 New Internet Reservations
Displays a list of reservations received from real-time systems. These reservations have already been inserted in the calendar Used to filter real-time reservations received and ensure each is processed Internet Sync – This function synchronizes with real-time booking systems to retrieve new reservations

26 Book at other venue – Enables the operator to book a guest into any other venue using a real-time booking system. This is done in collaboration with a real-time vendor Print Calendar – Prints the current calendar screen. Often used as an off-line mechanism when user is away from the system. Cancelled reservations – Display a list of cancelled reservations with the ability to restore the reservation to active state. Allocations – Allocate rooms to companies. This function is used to mark the calendar when rooms are allocated to a specific company or individual. Allocated rooms are not considered a reservation and can still be reserved if needed

27 The functions found under the FRONT OFFICE Tab

28 Check-in Display a list of guests who are due to check in today. (Groups are auto identified) Print a customized registration form for a single or multiple guests (Information of the guest is automatically inserted in the registration form) Open individual reservations Check-in single or multiple guests at the same time.

29 Easy to use graphical interface is used to group products for selection
Rate is automatically applied when the product is selected Once recorded, the sale is posted to the guest account. Sales Easy to use wizard is used to record sales that are either posted to an in-house guest or recorded as a casual sale In this example a sale is recorded to an in-house guest.

30 Check-out All guests due to check-out are listed. Guests where balances exist are colour coded to ensure payment is processed. (or invoiced and transferred to debtors) Single or multiple guest can be check-out simultaneously Individual reservations can be opened for further processing

31 Un-Invoiced Reservations
All reservations that require invoicing are listed (i.e.. Have outstanding balance) This feature ensures all reservations have been processed An invoice can be produced from this screen and ed to the guest or company

32 No Show No show reservations are indicated within the reservation and removed from the calendar screen. Such reservations can be restore to an active state, cancelled or invoiced. Invoiced no-show reservations are managed via the debtors system

33 Cash up Individual employees can be cashed-up at the end of their shift to ensure good controls are implemented Consolidated cash-up can also be done for multiple employees

34 Invoice setup Invoices can be produced with detailed transactions displayed or in summary form Various summary styles can be setup to suit a venue

35 The functions found under the ACCOUNTING Tab

36 Refunds Refunds are recorded and managed in the system including assigning various refund methods (e.g. cash, credit card etc.) Deposit Tracking, Invoicing and No Shows These functions are the same as previously described

37 Debtors All monies outstanding is managed by the debtors system except for deposits which is managed by the deposit tracking system.

38 Debtors A list of all debtors is presented and colour coded to identify the various types of debtor accounts together with a total of all debtors In-house debtors can be included or excluded from the list Easy access to all debtor reports

39 Debtors Companies are displayed together with an age analysis of each company Guest debtors is a lists of checked-out guest accounts with outstanding balances Double click any company to view details of the company business Ability to print a statement for a single account or all statements Debtors Individual reservations can be accessed for detailed information Payments or Expenses (e.g. discounts, write-offs, credit notes etc) can be applied from this screen Age Analysis groups debtors by company as seen on the following screen

40 Debtors In this example a company account is displayed with all invoices and unallocated payments New payments can be recorded and allocated to individual invoices Statements can be produced reflecting all activity for a period

41 Day-end and month-end Day-end records all activity between two periods or days Month-end records all transactions within a calendar month which get posted to any accounting system. Full audit trails of all transactions form an integral part of the system. Various month-end reports exist reflecting the income and cash-flow of the business

42 Thanks for watching For more information, please contact any Semper person listed on our website

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