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El futuro = will do… El condicional = would do… el infinitivo + éemos ás áán.

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Presentation on theme: "El futuro = will do… El condicional = would do… el infinitivo + éemos ás áán."— Presentation transcript:


2 El futuro = will do… El condicional = would do…

3 el infinitivo + éemos ás áán

4 In spoken Spanish especially, instead of the future endings people use ir + a + the infinitive Ejemplo: Im gonna see you later. Te voy a ver después.

5 el infinitivo + íaíamos ías íaían

6 cabercabr- decirdir- haberhabr­- hacerhar- poderpodr­- ponerpondr- quererquerr- sabersabr- salirsaldr- tenertendr- valervaldr- venirvendr-

7 Hacer Poder Correr Y en el condicional: Disminuir Querer Volver

8 The future endings can be used to express conjecture in the present: I wonder where Juan is. ¿Dónde estará Juan? Hes probably (may be / might be / could be) in Mexico. Estará en México. You can also use words like probablemente with the present indicative: Probablemente está en México.

9 The conditional can be used to express conjecture in the past: I wonder where Juan was. ¿Dónde estaría Juan? He probably was (may have been / might have been / could have been) in Mexico. Estaría en México. You can also use words like probablemente with the past: Probablemente estaba en México.

10 He will return, but he would be sad. Personally, I wouldnt do that. There must be a reason, otherwise, why? It was probably Juan. You shall not pass. You will eat your vegetables, young man. Will you finish by 8:00? I would not eat that. I wonder whos calling.

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