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-2014 Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey-

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1 -2014 Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey-
2015 Statistics in Nursing Prevalence of Chronic Disease and its Correlates among Korean Population aged 50 and over -2014 Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey- Dept. of Nursing, Inje University Professor Hye-Ryoung Kim ID 학번-이름 ID Park K. T. ID Nam G, M.

2 Contents Backgrounds/Significance Objectives Conceptual framework
Study population Data collection Measures Data analysis Result Discussion

3 Background/Significance
Prevalence of Chronic Disease-질병유병율 (Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea , 2014) 5.7% of Korean people aged 50-59; 17.1% of Korean people aged 60-69; 29.6% of Korean people aged 70 and over Common Health problem in Korean Population Leading cause of –관절염의 원인:결과 Pain and physical disability (Lee, 2014; Yoon, 2012) Decreased Quality of life (Park & Lee, 2012; Yang & An, 2011) Increased medical cost (Hur, Choi, Uhm, & Bae, 2013) Limited studies on the people who are at the risk of Chronic disease in South Korea

4 Objctives-목적 to identify the people at risk of Chronic disease in Korea. (유병률,영향을주는 요인) to describe characteristics of Study sample to access the prevalence of Chronic disease to identify correlates of Chronic disease among community residing people aged 50 and older in Korea.

5 Korean community population aged 50 and over
Conceptual framework Socio-demographics Age Gender Education Area Marital status Home ownership Health status Waist circumference Depression Smoking High risk alcoholic drinking Moderate intensity physical activity Walking Eating out 영향 주는거 18개중 8개 Korean community population aged 50 and over With Disease Without

6 final study sample Study population
Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (Korean Ministry for Health, Welfare & Family Affaires, 2010) Korean population first stratification by 7 metropolitan cities and 9 provinces secondary stratification by Dong-bu (urban area) and Eubmyoun-bu (rural area) for the 9 provinces. 8,958 individuals of 3,840 household final study sample

7 Data collection January – December, 2010
Data collection was conducted in mobile medical unit at the home of respondents Well trained data collectors - measured waist circumference - interviewed with the questionnaires.

8 Measurement of study variable
Chronic Disease Definition: WHO참고

9 Socio-demographic characteristics
Measurement of study variable Socio-demographic characteristics Age (50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90- ) Gender(male, female) Living area(urban, rural) Allowance(yed, no, know nothing of)

10 Measurement of study variable
Health status Waist circumference (Female<85, Male<90, Female≥85, Male≥90) Week walk days (less than 3days, more than3days) Body mass index (less than 23, more than 23) Moderate intensive physical activity (yes, no)

11 Data analysis Data analysis was performed using
SPSS version 20.0proba, which could account for 「 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V-1) 」 Descriptive statistics Chi-square test

12 Result Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Study Sample-Gender Category n % SE χ2(p) Women 756 54.1 .011 21.55(<.001) Men 633 49.9 .024

13 Result Figure1. Prevalence of Chronic Disease

14 Result Table 2. Prevalence of Chronic Disease according to Gender Category Without Ch Disease χ2(p) % SE Women 72.8 .016 27.2 21.55(<.001) Men 91.9 .014 8.1

15 Result Figure2. Prevalence of Chronic Disease by Age % Age

16 Conclusion The estimate of 14.3%(Female 22.4% Male5.1%) of Korean population aged 50 and over in this study is comparable with 60% in sixties, 76% in seventies, 80% in eighties of Japanese women (Yoshimura et al., 2010) 36% in sixties, 44% in seventies, 45% in eighties of Japanese men (Yoshimura et al., 2010) 19.6% of women & 10.5% of men in Chinese aged 50 and over (Lin, Li, Kang, & Li, 2010).

17 Discussion Significant associations between the occurrence of osteoarthritis and its correlates have implications for screening and developing strategies to promote the health of elders who are at the risk of Chronic disease in South Korea.

18 Limitation Representative for only the non-institutionalized people aged 50 and over but not for all people, despite non-institutionalized people consist of 96% of the entire Korean population aged 50 and over. This study conducted with cross-sectional design so that had limit to explain the causative relationship.


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