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Early Events 1947 George Kennan outlines “Containment Policy”

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2 Early Events 1947 George Kennan outlines “Containment Policy”
Truman Doctrine announced Marshall Plan proposed by U.S.A. Creation of Israel approved by U.N. Romania & Hungary turn Communist Turkey & Greece Under Communist Threats….U.S. offers help!!!

3 George Kennan U.S. diplomat assigned to Russia/Soviet Union because of his extensive knowledge of Russian history and culture Architect of U.S. Containment policy during the Cold War against the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)

4 Containment Policy Political pressure/Diplomacy
Economic Pressure and/or Enticement Military Coercion or Force

5 Containment Summary The American policy to stop the spread of communism in Europe and later all other parts of the globe. *Russia was weak and would collapse from constant US pressure . *By 1991 it had proven successful. Economically Militarily Politically

6 Truman Doctrine 1947 “It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures.”

7 Truman Doctrine Summary
The official declaration of the Conatinment policy.


9 Turkey & Greece Crisis (1947)
In 1947, the countries of Greece and Turkey were poor and devoid of leadership post WWII. Communist groups, influenced by the Soviets, tried to seize power. The United States supported the democratic faction of these countries by loaning them money and military supplies This was successful

10 Marshall Plan Proposed by Secretary of State George Marshall in 1947.
Over $13 billion was given out to 16 European countries to help in post WWII recover efforts. Offer was refused by Soviet Union & her Eastern European Communist counterparts

11 Marshall Plan (cont.) U.S.S.R.- 0
The Marshall Plan was very successful The European countries that accepted the U.S. loans rebuilt their economies to pre-WWII levels within two years. The European countries on the communist side of the Iron Curtain who had denied the U.S. loans would have a much longer and tougher economic recovery. U.S.A. – 2 U.S.S.R.- 0










21 Marshall Plan 47 Review Created by Sec of State George Marshall.
US offered financial aide to any nation in Europe (including USSR). US sent 13 billion over the next 4 years to Europe for rebuilding. ****Complete page 16 and 17 of packet PG. 606

22 Joseph Stalin “ Hello, Capitalistic American Pigs!!!!”


24 1948 Berlin Blockade begins by Soviets (June)
Blockade countered with “Operation Vittles” aka Berlin Airlift (U.S.A. & Britain) Korea splits into communist North Korea & democratic South Korea 1st Arab-Israeli War (Egypt, Syria, Iraq) Truman announces desegregation of armed forces

25 Berlin Airlift June 1948 Soviets cut West Berlin off from supplies.
US and other allies sent supplies by plane to the people of West Berlin. Led to the formation of NATO

26 Post WWII Division of Germany


28 Berlin, East Germany

29 1949 NATO military alliance established by U.S.A. & allies
Berlin Blockade ends NATO military alliance established by U.S.A. & allies Soviet Union explodes their 1st atomic bomb Peoples Republic of China established (communist). Mao Zedong ousts Chiang Kai-shek.

30 NATO 1949 -Alliance of Capitalistic nations.
-An attack on one is an attack on all. -Led to the formation of the Warsaw Pact in (Alliance of Commuist nations. -Led to NSC-68 ( Boost military budget for cold war.)





35 1950 Sino-Soviet Pact signed (China & USSR)
Senator Joseph McCarthy starts Communist witch hunt in Wheeling, West Virginia when he announces to Republican Women’s Club that Communists had infiltrated the State Department. Sino-Soviet Pact signed (China & USSR) Communist North Korean troops cross 38th parallel into South Korea. The Korean War begins implementing NSC-68.

36 NSC-68 Top secret National Security Council document outlining U.S. military strategy to contain communism. Authorized by President Harry Truman & adopted as official U.S. policy well into the 1980s.



39 Korean War

40 The Forgotten War ( )                                                                                                          

41 United Nations Security Council
U.S.A. Great Britain France Soviet Union China

42                                                      38th Parallel                                                     

43 Pusan Peninsula Disaster

44 Murdered GI POW

45 The Inchon Landing (Sept. 50)

46 Inchon Bombardment

47 Battle for Seoul, South Korea (Sept. 1950)

48 Uh Oh!!!! Here Come the Chinese!!! (November 1950)
                                Uh Oh!!!! Here Come the Chinese!!! (November 1950)

49 Chinese Begin Offensive

50 What Do You Notice???

51 Stability Regained & Stalemate Along the 38th Parallel (Early 1951)

52 General Douglas MacArthur removed by President Truman (April 1951)


54 General MacArthur

55 Korean War Statistics 54,246 U.S. troops die in war 33,652 killed in action Over 100,000 wounded 8,000 MIA 1.5 million North Korean & Chinese killed. 900,000 of which were Chinese.



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