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Solar-like oscillations with HARPS …and SOPHIE

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1 Solar-like oscillations with HARPS …and SOPHIE
F. Bouchy Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille COROT week 8 – May 2005

2 ~ 3 magnitudes more efficient
HARPS Fiber-fed cross-dispersed Echelle spectrograph Wavelength coverage: 380nm < l < 690nm Simultaneous reference (ThAr) Spectral resolution: R=100’000 Vacuum operation, T-control ~ 3 magnitudes more efficient than ELODIE/CORALIE

3 Doppler uncertainty due to photon noise
magnitude 1 m/s 20 cm/s 3 6.3 (S/Npix = 500) K G F For a non-rotating K5 dwarf

4  Cen B observed with HARPS
RMS = 51 cm/s

5  Cen B observed with HARPS
2.9 cm/s 2.3 cm/s 19 cm/s 160 Hz

6 Bouchy et al., 2004, Nature, 423(7015), 2

7 Other HARPS results

8 All stars are singing

9 Bouchy et al, 2005, A&A, in press (astroph/0504043)
HD G3IV-V - mv=5.1 noise 4.5 cm/s Bouchy et al, 2005, A&A, in press (astroph/ ) Bazot et al., 2005, A&A, in press (astroph/???)

10 Mosser, et al., 2005, A&A, 431, L13

11 Expected capability of HARPS on some main COROT targets
Name mV Spe. type v sin i (km/s) dVRMS for 1 mn exp. anoise 10 nights HD43587 5.7 F9V 6 1.4 m/s 5.5 cm/s HD49933 5.8 F5V 10 3.1 m/s 12.2 cm/s HD52265 6.3 G0V 4 1.3 m/s 5.1 cm/s

12 SOPHIE New spectrograph on the 1.93-m OHP  end of 2005
North counter part of HARPS ~ 2 magn. more efficient than ELODIE but 1.5 magn. less efficient than HARPS

13 Photon noise uncertainties
(K5V - vsini=2 km/s - texp=1 mn) ELODIE 1.9-m OHP SOPHIE 1.9-m OHP HARPS 3.6-m ESO

14 Complementarity COROT / HARPS
On solar-like stars : Help and constrain modes identification Doppler amplitude Give eventually higher angular modes (l=3) Give the possibility to find line profil deformation due to higher angular degree or activity Povide huge number of high S/N spectra

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