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English This half term starts with a book called ‘The River’ by Marc Martin. The is a poetic text. The children will learn it off by heart to support their.

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1 English This half term starts with a book called ‘The River’ by Marc Martin. The is a poetic text. The children will learn it off by heart to support their own writing. The children will then write their own journey poem based on this book. The second book is called ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd Stanton. This book is a quest story. Through the learning journey of this book, the children will learn different writing techniques which will support them in writing their own quest story. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Who is Jesus and What did he teach us? Maths This half term will start with the children learning a formal written method for multiplication and division. The next unit covers money where the children will learn how to work out how much change they will get from different coins or notes. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of Cleanliness, Fairness and Friendliness. The children will be learning about: The importance of keeping our teeth clean, Every story has two sides and What do our friends need from us? Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Year 3 – Spring Term 1 Topic: Rivers Big Question: How are rivers formed? Wow Start: Walk to Cobham river Fantastic finish: River art P.E The children will be focusing on the ‘cognitive cog’ in RealPE where they will develop skills that will enable them to work well as part of a team. The other hour of PE will focus on developing the children’s Gymnastic and dance skills. PE Days: Potter- Monday and Friday Attenborough- Monday and Wednesday STEM This half term the children will be learning about Animals including Humans. This unit will start by looking at what makes a healthy diet and the Eat Well plate. We then go on to learn about skeletons (both human and other animals). Finally the children will learn about the effects of exercise on the body through an investigation. Topic The children will be learning about rivers this half term as it links to their work in English lessons. The unit starts with a walk to Cobham to see the River Mole. The children will then learn about the features of rivers. The topic finishes with the children creating their own collage depicting a river travelling through different English scenes.

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