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Vocabulary Unit 5.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 5

2 antique An object made long ago; something made in the past

3 baggage Suitcases, bags, packages, equipment, or other items travelers carry; things that are in the way

4 digest Shortened version of previously published writings; a magazine that publishes such short versions To understand or grasp an idea; to break down food within the body for nourishment

5 establish To set up, start, organize, or bring about; to prove beyond doubt

6 eternal Lasting for all time; with no beginning or end; continuing forever; seeming to be endless

7 haste Speed or quickness of motion; overeager action without caution

8 humid Steamy or heavy with moisture; moist or damp

9 lash To whip or strike; to scold; to strap down with rope or cord
A whip; a blow made by or as if by whip; an eyelash

10 oppose To be against, resist, object to; to be in direct contrast with

11 pioneer A person or group that goes first to explore, open, prepare, or settle an area; someone who breaks new ground, as in science or ideas To open the way for others to follow

12 sensible Showing or having good judgment or reason; aware of

13 worthy Having value, importance, or worth; good enough for

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