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Implementation of the WFD in the lower Rhine delta

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1 Implementation of the WFD in the lower Rhine delta
Roadmap for fish migration: successes of our regional approach in the Rhine-West sub basin, The Netherlands INBO, Bucharest, 13 November 2014 Steven Visser, M.Sc. VISSER water management & Peter Philipsen, M.Sc. Nature at Work

2 Rhine-west sub basin River basins in Europe

3 Rhine-West Regional Water Council
Rhine-West sub basin water authorities: • 2 ministries • 4 provinces • 8 water boards • representatives of 170 municipalities NPD’s help to place the WFD on the political agenda / decision making at national level

4 WFD: intensive multi-level cooperation ...
Dit is de kaart van het grondgebruik van rond 1970. Let op de ligging van de zoet/zout grens, de grootschalige landbouw, kleinschalige landbouw, glastuinbouw, fruitteelt, de hoeveelheid aan regionale veilingen en waterwinningen voor drinkwater en industrie. Op de volgende kaart is de zoet-zoutgrens verschoven naar het westen.


6 Rhine-West Regional Water Council
Main gateway, economically and ecologically Habitat fragmentation: 520 barriers Sharp decline in migratory fish stocks Focus on opening up migration routes instead of lifting single barriers Rhine-West successful joint approach: Roadmap for fish migration

7 Roadmap fish migration
Methods & Results: In workshops making good use of local knowledge fish experts ALL water authorities Analysis different individual fish migration approaches Joint vision on fish migration (ecological role of region within the river basin)

8 Notice emphasis on SUCCESSES to the right, highlighting the EFFORT and TOGETHERNESS
Highlight: Fish Lift + NZK Fish Lift: During springtime migratory fish are lifted into the polders through a tube in the dykes. When autumn arrives, outgoing fish are lifted back out of the area (innovation begin used throughout the delta river basin). NZK: The Noordzeekanaal is a big canal and shipping route. Also a major route for migratory fish in the Netherlands being one of the few open connections to the North Sea. Up until recently connections to side-channels were often blocked off for migratory fish. Water authorities have joined together to successfully address these issues. Monitoring results show migratory fish (such as 3D stickleback and Eel) are benefitting in great numbers.

9 Roadmap fish migration
prioritizing method: Detailed roadmap Highways (blue) Regional waters (red) Local waters (yellow) Top30 prioritiy measures (mainly at junctions highways and regional waters)

10 Roadmap fish migration research & monitoring:
Routes rather than individual measures Quantitative effect Top30 measures on restoration of fish stocks, ie European Eel Good ecological status is indicated by healthy fish stocks, particularly migratory fish like Eel NPD’s help to place the WFD on the political agenda / decision making at national level

11 Pictures of successes in Rhine-west sub basin …
You may notice this presentation has (too) much emphasis on SUCCESSES. But this is intrinsic part of our method, highlighting the JOINT EFFORT and TOGETHERNESS. Key to SUCCES with so many administrative levels and partners working together. -Top left: You may recognize the Rotterdam bridge. Apart from being an economic route for vessels, the Nieuwe Waterweg canal at Rotterdam is also open a major connection between the North sea and the river Rhine upstream – Bottom left: Haring vliet sluices (another connection that is going to be opened soon) Top middle: fish friendly pump, symbolizing ‘moving ahead’ – Bottom middle: fish pass Strype Top right; joint approach restoration fish migration highway Rhine – Bottom right; solving habitat fragmentation

12 From Regional Roadmap to River Basin approach
Regional approach complements Masterplan ICPR Making good use of regional fish expert knowledge Dissemination of Rhine-West Roadmap method Compare with other North Sea deltas Joint Rhine River Basin Roadmap approach on regional, national, international level Regional Roadmaps help to place the WFD on the political agenda / decision making at regional and national level

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