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Ad-hoc stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture Welcome October 8, 2003 Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline.

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Presentation on theme: "Ad-hoc stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture Welcome October 8, 2003 Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ad-hoc stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture Welcome October 8, 2003 Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture

2 Purpose of meeting Explain the construction of present projections used in the agriculture baseline (animals, fertilizer) Exchange of view, comparison with national projections Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture

3 Schematic outline of CAFE timeline
Development CBA framework Technical inputs of abatement potential and costs Development of TREMOVE transport model Finalisation of RAINS model development Assessing policy packages qualitatively and quantitatively Model runs of policy packages (including iterations) Closing of consultations with MS and AC CAFE Baseline ready & agreed Sending Thematic Strategy for I/S Definition of policy packages to be assessed Writing Thematic Strategy Advice on health and ecosystems effects (WHO, PM Working Group and ECE) Data on NEC, AQ and own studies CAFE Baseline published 2004 2005 2003

4 Details of main technical tasks of CAFE
Assessment of health and environmental effects Selection of health and environmental targets for optimisation Selection of alternative scenarios Selection of indicators Identification of potential measures Integrated Assessment Modelling Assessment of measures, ceilings, proposed targets or commitments Policy guidance Cost curves Baseline emissions scenario Analysis of costs and benefits Source-receptor functions, regional and urban scale 8 October 2003 Interaction throughout Monitoring and atmos-pheric modelling Implementation, peer review, stakeholder participation, public information Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture

5 Agenda Welcome, purpose of meeting, CAFE workplan, Importance of emissions from Agriculture Presentation of the models used for EU-15 (CAPRI), Accession Countries (DG AGRI), FAO and EFMA (fertilizer), EEA (projections ), summary of projections used in RAINS Country perspectives Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture

6 Country perspectives - Details
13.30 Presentations by national representatives (10 min max.) including topics such as: National agriculture outlook (up to 2020) including impact of Agenda 2000, CAP reform, WTO agreements National peculiarities National agricultural policies , implications for CAFE Major obvious inaccuracies in the model calculations, if any - Comparison current baseline and model calculations with national projections Questions and discussion (5 min) Stakeholder consultation on CAFE baseline scenario in agriculture

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