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Bluebeam, Keystone & Miniskirt and Trigger Efficiency Study

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1 Bluebeam, Keystone & Miniskirt and Trigger Efficiency Study
Ye Li Physics Graduate Student UW - Madison

2 Updated datasets Datasets: Not much gain by loosening cuts bhmubd
bhmubh bhmubi bhmubj bmubbd bmubbh bmubbi Bmubbj Not much gain by loosening cuts



5 The three histograms are:
no trigger required total entries: CMUP18 or CMX18 on total entries: CMUP18, CMX18 or L3BMU on total entries: Still fewer than 1% additional events in the entire bhmubd~bj + bmubbd~bj datasets

6 Trigger Path: BMU9_L1_BMU10_BSU_P11
Entries: 1897

7 The above: bhmubd + bmubbd
The bottom: bhmubh + bmubbh

8 The above: bhmubi + bmubbi
The bottom: bhmubj + bmubbj

9 Bluebeam, Miniskirt and Keystone

10 Gain from bluebeam, miniskirt and keystone regions ~12%
Total entries: No Bluebeam: No Miniskirt: 96510 No Keystone: Without all three regions: 93365 Gain from bluebeam, miniskirt and keystone regions ~12% Gain most from Miniskirt ~8%

11 Trigger Efficiency for B M K regions
Use Z-muon events with run number >186598

12 Trigger Efficiency Summary
1. Z Muons, with one leg as CMUP muon, passing CMUP18 trigger, and the other as Miniskirt or Keystone muon; CMX18 trigger efficiency: Miniskirt (total: 2663) trigger efficiency: 1653/2663 = Keystone (total: 752) trigger efficiency: 569/752 = 2. Z Muons, with one leg as CMX muon, passing CMX18 trigger, and the other as Miniskirt or Keystone muon; CMUP18 trigger efficiency: Bluebeam (total: 91) trigger efficiency: 91/91 = 1+-0 (calculation not valid here)

13 Trigger Efficiency Summary
3. Z Muons, with one leg as CMUP muon, having no trigger requirement and the other as Miniskirt or Keystone Muon; CMX18 trigger efficiency: Miniskirt (total: 2667) trigger efficiency: 1657/2667 = Keystone (total: 753) trigger efficiency: 570/753 = 4. Z Muons, with both legs as CMUP muons, passing CMUP18 trigger, and one or both are Bluebeam muons; Entries: 333

14 Next Step Use MC Z->mumu datasets: ze1s6m, ze1s9m, ze0sbm, ze0scm, ze0sdm, ze0sem; Study the efficiency of Muon identification using MC data (plotting its Pt distribution), and focus mainly on E_em and E_had cuts; Study MC fake events by our own simulation. Use present MC datasets to implement the detector geometry information on our generated events.

15 Thanks!

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