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WARM-UP On a Post-It Note, list 3 things that you think are essential to a great oral presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM-UP On a Post-It Note, list 3 things that you think are essential to a great oral presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM-UP On a Post-It Note, list 3 things that you think are essential to a great oral presentation.

2 “Public Speaking” Listen to this awesome song, and complete the fill-in-the-blank lyrics. In the box, list the three things that you are personally going to work on in your speaking this semester. On the back, view the rubric. This is loosely what I will be using to grade your presentations. Where are you now? Write the date and then use the rubric to score your current level of public speaking.

The order of presentations is already set based on the sign-up sheets that went around. When I call your name, be ready to come and get your materials pulled up. In the audience, you will use the graphic organizer to keep track of information you receive about each country. There WILL be a quiz on the presentation materials, so make sure you are paying 100% attention!

4 EXIT SLIP Choose one person whose presentation you really enjoyed, and write them a short note about it. Make sure you address it and tell them specifically what you liked.

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