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Key period 2 Kevin Tran Period 5

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1 Key period 2 Kevin Tran Period 5
Key Concept 2.2.III Key period 2 Kevin Tran Period 5

2 Colonial European Economy
Atlantic economy developed in colonial North America Goods, enslaved Africans, and American Indians were exchanged between Africa, the Americas, and Europe through trade networks. European colonial economy Focused on acquiring, producing, and exporting products for European interests. Sought new sources of labor

3 Colonial Trade with the Natives
Continued trade with Europeans increased the flow of goods within Native American communities. Promoted cultural and economic changes. Spread disease due to increased contact with Europeans. Led to drastic population decline.

4 Alliances and Conflicts
Conflicts and alliances arose between European and Native American populations. The French, Dutch, British, and Spanish allied with several armed Native communities. Natives used this alliance to fight against other Native groups.

5 Tension between Colonists and Europeans
Europeans and colonists began to lose trust with each other. Cause: Differing goals and interests between the two sides. Colonists began to be dissatisfied over issues involving frontier defense, territorial settlements, self-rule, and trade.

6 Tensions between British and Natives
Native American and British conflicts grew Disputes over land, resources, and territorial boundaries led to conflicts involving the military Example: Metacom’s War, or King Philip’s War, in New England.

7 Native Resistance Pueblo Revolt between Natives and the Spanish led to increased native resistance towards Spanish colonization. Led to Spanish accommodation of several aspects of Native American culture in the Southwest.

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