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BELLE Results on Heavy Spectroscopy

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1 BELLE Results on Heavy Spectroscopy
V.Balagura, ITEP 10 Apr, Frascati PHI PSI 08 1. Charged charmonium-like state Z(4430)+ 2. Results on DsJ mesons 3. Search for states produced together with J/y: e+e-→ X(3940, 4160) J/y and decaying to D(*)D(*) 4. Search for 1-- resonances decaying to y(1,2S)p+p- via e+e-→ gISR [y(1,2S)p+p-] 5. First observation of signals similar to Y(4260) in the bottomonium sector: surprisingly large U(1S,2S)p+p- (and evidence of  U(3S)p+p-, U(1S)K+K-) transitions near the U(5S) resonance 6. Conclusions

2 Summer 2007, Belle-CONF-0711: first observation of B0→K0SX(3872)
Results which will not be covered in this talk Exp M, MeV G, MeV JPC Production Decay X(3872) Belle, CDF, D0, CLEO, BaBar 3871.4±0.6 <2.3 1++, 2-+ from B, pp p+p-J/y, p+p-p0 J/y, gJ/y Belle, BaBar 3875.4± ±0.9 ±0.5 ±0.9 B D0D0p0 Z(3930) Belle 3929±5±2 29±10±2 2++ gg D0D0, D+D- Y(3940) 3943±11±13 ±1.9 87 ±22 ±26 ±5 J++ wJ/y B0→K0SX(3872) B+→K+X(3872) Summer 2007, Belle-CONF-0711: first observation of B0→K0SX(3872) DM=0.22±0.90±0.27 MeV (tetraquark: DM=(8±3) MeV, PRD71, ), B(B0) / B(B+) = 0.94±0.24± (contradicts to PRD71, : <0.1) 6.5s

3 B→ Z(4430)+ K → y(2S) p+ K: charged state → not cc!
K*(890) K*(1430) J/ +-, +-, e+e- PRL100, , arXiv: , 605 fb-1 M(y’p+), GeV S-wave D*D1(2420) thresh. effect PRD76,114002 [cu][cd] tetraquark hep-ph/ D*D1(2420) molecule , , M2(y’p+), GeV2 veto veto M2(K-/K0S p+), GeV2 non-B bgr. from DE sidebands veto veto S-wave BW + ph. space-like bgr: 121±30 ev., 6.5s significance M = 4433±4±2 MeV G = MeV → narrow → cannot be explained by interf. in Kp channel Kp mass from ±30 MeV Z(4433)+ window

4 B+→ DsJ (2700)+ D0 → D0K+D0: new cs state
PRL 100, , 414 fb-1 y(3770) 68±15ev., 5.5s M=3776±5±4 MeV G=27±10±5 MeV B=(2.2±0.5±0.3)∙10-4 q D0 K+ DsJ DsJ(2700)+ 182±30ev., 8.4s M=2708± MeV G=108± MeV B=(11.3± )∙10-4 23S1, e.g. PLB Chiral doublet state to Ds1(2536), hep-ph/ JP 0- 1- (preferred) 2- c2/ndf 112/5 11/5 146/5

5 PWA of Ds1(2536)+→D*+K0S: Ds1(2460)-Ds1(2536) mixing
PR D , 462 fb-1 HQET: D (S)-wave for j=L+Ss=3/2 (1/2) HQET not exact: Ds1(2536)+ contains small admixture of j=1/2 Energy release is small → D-wave is suppressed → S wave due to j=1/2 can be visible Ds1(2536)+ from e+e- continuum xP>0.8 5673±81 ev. almost no bgr.! Ds1(2536)+ is slightly polarized in e+e- → Ds1(2536)+X 3D angular fit (a,b,g) to helicity formalism formula: gives complex ratio of amplitudes and polarization projections S-wave dominates for xp>0.8 c2 corresponds to prob. 60%

6 J/y reconstr. instead of D(*) Bgr. (histograms) – from D(*) sidebands
C=+1 states: e+e- →X(3940, 4160) J/y → D*D(*) J/y arXiv: , 693 fb-1 Surprisingly large double charmonium production, hc, cc0, hc(2S), X(3940) observed in recoil to J/y not enough stat. D D* D*D* reflect. J/y Unreconstr. recoil = D or D* e+ e - D0, D+ or D*+→D0p+ hc(3S)? X(3940) update (5±3)ev s s M= ±6 MeV G= ±8 MeV J/y reconstr. instead of D(*) D D* ev s M= ±15 MeV G= ±21 MeV New state X(4160) cc0(3P)? hc(4S)? Bgr. (histograms) – from D(*) sidebands

7 Search for 1-- states: e+e- →gISRY(4260) → gISR J/y p+ p-
PRL 99, , 548 fb-1 BaBar observation 125±23 ev. M=4259± 8± G=88± s 2 6 Y(4260) y’ for calibration New structure M=4008 No enhancement in D(*) D(*): PRL 98, ? PRL 95, , 233 fb-1 MC theor. review: PR 429, 243 11s Cleo confirmation 5.1s √s=4.26 GeV 3.7s PRL 96, , 13.2 pb-1 √s≈10GeV using gISR 5.4s MeV MeV PR D74, (R), 13.3 fb-1 eV MeV MeV BES e+e- →hadrons: B(Y→ J/yp+p-) > 90% CL eV 2 solutions with con/di-structive interf. PRL 84, 594; 88,

8 Search for 1-- states in e+e- →gISR y(2S) p+ p-
PRL 99, , 673 fb-1 BaBar observation Y(4260)-can not be ruled out New structure M=4660, 5.8s BaBar’s peak, 8s new res.? M=4324± 24 G=172±33 PRL 98, , 298 fb-1 Two y(2S)p+p- structures are distinct from J/yp+p- ones MeV MeV 43S1, 53S1, 33D1, exotics ? eV MeV MeV eV Two solutions with con/di-structive interf.

9 Is there a corresponding bb state Ub → U(1S) p+ p- ?
Search for Y(4260) analogue in the bottomonium sector Y(4260) → J/y p+ p- Is there a corresponding bb state Ub → U(1S) p+ p- ? “Searching for the bottom counterparts of X(3872) and Y(4260) via p+p-U”, Wei-Shu Hou, PR D74, (2006) → measure p+p-U(1S) cross section Resonance structure is rather complicated above BB threshold. E.g. Y(10860) is commonly assumed to be a bottomonium Y(5S) state, but we do not really know that. World wide Y(10860) data: 1985 CLEO /fb 2003 CLEO III /fb 2005 Belle /fb 2006 Belle /fb Total cross-section Collected mainly for Bs physics, ≈105 Bs / fb Use it to measure p+p-U(1,2,3S) cross section at U(10860) and below via ISR

10 Anomalous U(1,2,3S) p+p-, U(1S) K+K- cross sections at U(5S)
PRL 100, , 21.7 fb-1 Final state U(3S) U(2S) 20s U(1S) Initial state Gtot MeV GU(1S)p+p- keV U(2S) 0.032 6 U(3S) 0.020 9 U(4S) 20.5 19 U(10860) 110 U(10860) 4.9s U(3S) U(2S) U(1S) U(10860) decay or decay of overlapping new state Yb? Energy scan (7.9 / fb) around U(10860) has been performed to compare U(1S) p+p- and total hadronic cross sections. Answer will be ready soon. U(10860) U(1S)

11 V.Balagura, 10 Apr 2008, Frascati
Conclusions e+e- →X J/y → D*D(*) J/y Belle new 4660 (4415) M(MeV) e+e- → y’p+p- gISR Y(4320) 4360 X(4160) Z(4430)+ (4160) 4250 Y(4260) B→ y’p+K e+e- → J/y’p+p- gISR cc2’ gg → cc2’ → DD 4010 (4040) X(3872) Y(3940) X(3940) X(3872) DD B→ J/ywK (3770) ’ h’c cc2 cc1 hc cc0 J/ hc V.Balagura, 10 Apr 2008, Frascati PHI PSI 08

12 V.Balagura, 10 Apr 2008, Frascati
Conclusions New cs state in B+→ DsJ (2700)+ D0 → D0K+D0. PWA of Ds1(2536)+→D*+K0S reveals dominance of S-wave. Conrtary to HQET expectations GS/Gtotal=0.72±0.05. First result in the bottomonium sector: anomalously high U(1,2,3S)p+p-, U(1S)K+K- cross sections at U(5S) energy (analogous to J/y pp/K+K-, y’ p+p- cross sections around Y(4260)). Analysis of the energy scan around U(5S) is under way. F Y U ? V.Balagura, 10 Apr 2008, Frascati PHI PSI 08

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