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-Evidence of slavery can be found in every culture on the planet. -Most great civilizations participated in slavery. Civilizations that used slavery.

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Presentation on theme: "-Evidence of slavery can be found in every culture on the planet. -Most great civilizations participated in slavery. Civilizations that used slavery."— Presentation transcript:




4 -Evidence of slavery can be found in every culture on the planet. -Most great civilizations participated in slavery. Civilizations that used slavery extensively Aztecs, Rome, Mayan, Inca, Greece, Persia, Sumer, Egypt, Assyria, Byzantium, Vikings, Islamic Empire, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, France, Spain....

5 - Portuguese sailors were the first Europeans to buy African slaves. - They needed a durable, disease resistant workforce for their plantations. -Soon, other European nations followed suit, and the slave trade was born.


7 - Estimated Human Toll: Number of slaves captured: 18 million Number of slaves transported: 15 million Number of slaves in New World: 10 million


9 How Slavery Works -Farming sucks! The bigger the farm the more it sucks. -Buy slaves to work for you, and pay them in food. -Take the extra money you save to buy more land. -More land means more slaves...

10 -A slave costs about $15,000-35,000 in todays dollars. -About 1/3 of southerners owned one or more slaves,.75% owned 50 or more. Most owners owned 5 or less. -Until 1793, slavery was dying because it was unprofitable. (5% return on investment, SBUX=2.5%)

11 -In 1793, Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. -The value of the cotton in the south rose... $150,000 in 1790 $8,000,000 by 1800. 53 times more profit!



14 -The south, by itself had become the 4 th most prosperous nation in the world. -Its wealth relied on exports and markets in Europe. -As cotton prices went up... - Slaves became more valuable, and were treated better. -Southerners were less willing to end slavery.



17 -AAs in the were legally property of their masters. -About 10% of slaves lived in towns and cities laborers and servants. They had more freedoms. -Free blacks in the South had restrictions to keep them under control. -½ of all free blacks lived in the south.


19 -They formed their own organizations to improve their lives. -The National Council or Colored People and was formed to help end segregation. -Although free, AAs in the north faced unequal treatment, or discrimination. -They were also segregated, or kept separate from white society.

20 -Free blacks in the north were treated like 2 nd class citizens despite being free. -In the south, free blacks were restricted to keep them from being treated as equals. -Slavery became more and more profitable, which made the south less likely to compromise.

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