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Pilot River Basin exercise
Summary of the Outcome Report
Synthesis of results from the integrated testing of GDs related to Art. 5 (Phase 1A of PRBs ). Four annexes: Annex 1. Summary of the outcome related to each GDs. Annex 2. Detailed answers by PRBs to the Table of References Annex 3. Case studies by PRBs Annex 4. Reports on the PRB thematic Workshop.
CHAPTER 1: General Introduction:
Outcome Report: Chapter 1 & 2. CHAPTER 1: General Introduction: Main aims of the PRB testing exercise. 1) test whether the guidance fits responds to the needs of the PRBs; 2) test whether the inter-linkages between the guidance documents is sufficiently developed. CHAPTER 2: Context of PRB testing: a rich diversity: 1) Geographical distribution; 2) Transboundarity; 3) Pressures; 4) Existing data.
CHAPTER 3: Outcome of the testing.
Outcome Report: Chapter 3. CHAPTER 3: Outcome of the testing. How to deal with guidance documents. 1) Points of convergence and divergence in the process 2) Usefulness of guidance documents (in general and specific GD)/ Interpretation differences 3) Technical versus legislative quality standards: 4) National versus WFD/CIS GD: 5) Real life versus virtual testing: 6) Level of involvement of stakeholders and public participation: 7) Workshops
Outcome Report: Chapter 3.
Transversal issues – coherence between GDs: Points of convergence and divergence in the content: 1) Economics and pressures: 2) Pressures and Water Bodies: 3) Bottlenecks in the planning process Practical Problems 1) Time issues 2) Technical versus Political Art. 5 report 3) Independent or embedded implementation 4) Transnational co-ordination 5)Level of detail 6) Dissemination of results
CHAPTER 4. CONCLUSIONS. Outcome Report: Chapter 4.
Level of detail of GDs is adequate for EU level. Of course, specific elements need further development at a national scale. 2) Subjects that still have lack clarity, or subjects that turn out to be impractical during implementation, should be elaborated through specific workshops, sheets. 3) The implementation of the WFD in transboundary river basins constitutes a rather challenging process that requires “big” effort and time. 4) Results already obtained in terms of increased information, identification of gaps, problems/solutions, pragmatic management approaches, leads to the conclusion that the PRB exercise was a success. 5) Dissemination of the results will provide great help to other river basin managers in the first steps of the WFD implementation.
Outcome Report: Chapter 4. CHAPTER 4. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the PRB exercise requires allocating adequate human and financial resources in each RBD and including stakeholders and NGOs in the process of implementation. 2) The involvement of other river basins (e.g. the larger international river basins as Danube, Rhine, Meuse, Oder/Neisse, etc.). 3)Fact-sheets with experiences as a reference base, describing the characteristics of the basin together with the outcomes of the implementation of certain parts of the WFD. 4) Documents available on some dedicated web sites could provide some useful examples.
TIMETABLE for finalising PRB Art. 5 report - Phase 1a
1) PRBs Leaders: Send comments on draft of Outcome Report and contributes with Case Studies to collect within the Annex3. Deadline 30 March 2004. 2) Outcome Report revised and Annex 3: Case Studies finalised. Deadline 20 April 2004. 3) Final Comments by Drafting Group and PRBs Leaders Deadline 30 April 2004. 4) Final version of Outcome Report Ready Deadline 10 May 2004. 5) SCG Meeting - 27–28 May 2004. 6) Integrate SCG Comments into the Outcome Report Deadline 3 June 2004. 7) Water Directors Meeting – Dublin June 2004.
1) PRBs return Terms of References for the GDs that were not tested in phase 1a Deadline 31 May 2004. 2) Issue 1st draft of 1b Report Deadline June 2004. 3) Self-explanatory examples (case studies) to be sent to JRC 4) Issue Pre-Final version of 1b Report Deadline 12 October 2004. 5) SCG Meeting October 2004. 6) Integrate SCG comments Deadline 10 November 2004. 7) Water Directors Meeting December 2004.
An important output coming form the PRB exerciseare the individual reports on the Art.5 related GDs.
Odense, Jucar, Shannon, Tevere, Samos/Szomes, Suldal, Cecina, Pinios, Oulujoki.
PRBs Meetings and Workshops.
1) PRB Leaders Meeting - Brussels 23 February 2004. 2) PRB Leaders Meeting - Brussels 30 June 2004. 3) PRB Workshop - September 2004. 4) PRB Conference - Brussels date to be confirmed. PRBs Workshop: 1) Groundwater and WFD Management Plan - Rome (Italy) 3-4 May 2004. 2) IMPRESS Workshop - GE/UK (to be confirmed) June 2004. 3) Workshop on Mediterranean Issues - Italy June /July 2004. 4) Workshop on Wetlands - Venice (Italy) Sept / Oct 2004. 5) HMWB Workshop - GE/UK (to be confirmed) First half 2005. 6) Workshop on Agricultural Pressures - Denmark First half 2005.
Discussion document on future ideas for the PRB exercise.
Phase 1a: June 2004. Phase 1b: End of 2004. Phase 2: will be built up upon the experience gained in phase 1 and is expected to cover the period 2005/2006. The aim of this paper is to explore possible objectives, organisation and some first ideas for phase 2. Two complementary ideas on future PRB exercise: 1) Some PRB consider that the aim will be to go ahead with the WFD implementation: Used as a test case and highlight future difficulties, 2) Others PRBs consider that the continuation of the exercise is also to explore inter-linkages with other areas and the problems that might make the implementation difficult if no specific measures are introduced.
Examples for areas linked with water management:
Future ideas for the PRB exercise. Key issues for the PRB 2005/2006 Some cross cutting issues have been raised so as to produce suitable measures . Examples for areas linked with water management: Agriculture Specific problems suffered by basins in the Mediterranean eco-region (with a subgroup focussed on EUWI-MED) Integration of wetlands management in the river basin planning Management issues in transboundary river basins (with a subgroup on river basins shared with non-EU countries) Public Participation of RBMPs and Programmes of Measures Article 5 characterization: explore measures on existing practice analyzing the requirements from WFD demands. Classification: Practical experience to define ‘good status’ Relation on management of other related issues; e.g. desertification. Explore linkages with close areas such as soil policy
Future ideas for the PRB exercise.
Key outputs of the PRB Phase 2. PRBs should produce a Pilot River Basin Management Plan by the end of 2006. Summary document produced on European level about lessons learnt from the individual cases. Variety of other, second level, outputs such a workshop reports, fact sheets, information material etc. Who should participate in the PRB 2005/2006 and how is it organized? Currently, 15 PRBs are participating in the exercise. It will be necessary to maintain a core group of PRBs, which will focus their work on one of the key topics previously, highlighted. Principle question is whether the activity should be opened up for other river basins.
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