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Feudalism and Manor Life

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1 Feudalism and Manor Life
Chapter 17 - Section 3

2 Define: Knights - Warriors who fought on horseback
Vassal - A knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land Feudalism - System of promises between a lord and his vassals Manor - Large estates owned by a knight or lord Serf - Workers who were bound to the land on which they lived

3 Feudalism Governs Knights and Nobles
How did nobles become so powerful? They couldn’t rely on protection from king so they were forced to protect their own lands Knights and Land Nobles needed what to defend their land? Soldiers/Knights Nobles gave knights? - Pieces of land called Fiefs (feefs) instead of money Nobles who gave land were called? Lords In return for land knights promised to? Support the noble in battle and other matters

4 Continued They became known as - Vassals
This agreement became known as - Feudalism

5 A Lord’s Duties Lords had to do what for vassals:
Send them help if an enemy attacked Couldn’t cheat or punish them without reason or vassals wouldn’t obey the lord Lords built - Castles to defend their land from attack

6 A Vassals Duties Other than fighting, Vassal’s had to do what for the lords: Give them money on special occasions Give them food and shelter during a visit A knight could: Gain land to become a lord Accept fiefs from two different lords at the same time

7 Feudalism Spreads Feudalism created by - Franks
1000’s - Feudalism spreads to England By - A French noble named William who conquered England Nickname - William the Conqueror

8 The Manor System England didn’t have time - Farm the land given
to them by the lords Manor System: Knights allowed peasants to - farm the land on their large estates Peasants had to - Give the knights food or other payments Large estates were called - Manors

9 Manors Continued It included: -large house or castle -pastures -fields

10 Peasants, Serfs and Other Workers
Serfs life: Permission needed to - leave the manor Benefits for working - small piece of land & received protection Men - Did most of the farming Women - Made clothing, cooked, grew veggies, and gathered wood Children - Tended to sheep and chickens around the farm

11 Manor Lords Controlled - Everything that happened on his land
Lord’s responsibilities: Resolved disputes and handed down punishments Collected taxes from manor residents

12 Women in the Middle Ages
Women’s rights - Fewer than men, obeyed their husbands or fathers Noble Women: Ran manor households and supervised their servants Governed the manor when their husbands went to war

13 Towns and Trade Grow Most people lived - on manors or small farms in the country Reasons cities grew larger: Farming technology & increased trading Plow - heavier plow dug deeper into soil helping plants to grow Horse Collar - Farmers now could use horses instead of the slower oxen Trade led to - The growth of cities and population Serfs and peasants began - moving from manors to work in cities

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