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Strong needs for coordination at EU level

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2 Strong needs for coordination at EU level
More than 120 River basins in Europe Strong needs for coordination at EU level

3 Implementation timetable RDT is needed at all implementation stages
Transposition into national legislation Identification of River Basin District Analysis of pressures, impacts, use Monitoring programmes operational Start Consultation with public River Basin Management Plan Pricing policies Programme of measures operational Environmental objectives RDT is needed at all implementation stages

4 Complexity of environmental issues: Example of groundwater
Risks of pollution from diffuse/point sources (incl. landfills, wastes, contaminated soils, agriculture) Quality standards / thresholds? Interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems? Links with SW status and EQS Prevent / Limit Run-off Construction Products, Urban wastes Drinking water abstraction Trend identification and reversal Time

Seveso, IPPC POLICY Env. Impact assessment INDUSTRY POLICY Birds, Habitats URBAN SECTOR AGRI- CULTURE DRINKING WATER POLICY Drinking water POLICY Sewage sludge landfill POLICY UWW, CPD POLICY groundwater POLICY Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides POLICY Bathing water POLICY WFD

6 Links to standardisation
POLICY Seveso, IPPC POLICY Env. Impact assessment AGRI- CULTURE INDUSTRY POLICY Birds, Habitats URBAN SECTOR CEN CEN TC 308 § 345 DRINKING WATER CEN CEN TC 230 CEN CEN TC 292 POLICY Drinking water POLICY Sewage sludge landfill POLICY UWW, CPD POLICY groundwater POLICY Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides POLICY Bathing water POLICY WFD

7 The challenge of research/policy integration
Seveso, IPPC POLICY Env. Impact assessment RESEARCH Water uses INDUSTRY AGRI- CULTURE POLICY Birds, Habitats URBAN SECTOR DRINKING WATER CEN CEN TC 308 § 345 CEN CEN TC 230 CEN CEN TC 292 POLICY Drinking water RESEARCH Interactions with wetlands RESEARCH Risk studies, remediation POLICY Sewage sludge landfill RESEARCH Soil & surface water interactions POLICY UWW, CPD POLICY groundwater POLICY Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides POLICY Bathing water POLICY WFD


POLICY DGs STAKEHOLDERS (industry, NGOs, Associations)

10 In a perfect world … NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES EU-POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Co-ordination EU-FUNDED RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Integration of relevant policies is generally achieved through internal EC consulation

11 In reality Only part of the results of research projects are effectively and efficiently applicable to policies Lack of a common communication framework Use of different terminology Varying time schedules Different ways of resolving a problem (linked to different objectives/goals)

12 Interfacing needs An “interface” is needed for facilitating the integration of knowledge and expertise already available from RTD projects However, the interface between the research and policy communities is often underdeveloped or functions poorly Present networks only address a knowledgeable community Workshops, action plans, reports, website, newsletters are all good communication tools but should be “tailor-made” to different user categories

13 Public, local authorities / stakeholders
Needs for different information levels Public, local authorities / stakeholders Operational managers, methodology and technology providers, policy implementers Policy makers, scientific community, international stakeholders, RTD programme managers (national and EU)

14 First level: “simple” information for public & local authorities
Accessible (in 20 EU languages?), covering main features of the policies Environmental objectives Characterisation, Resp. authorities Economic issues Management plans 1. 2. 3. 4. Monitoring, modelling Measures Against pollution Public participation 5. 6. 7.

15 Access to guidance, good practices, methods and technologies
Second level: toolboxes for managers, method providers etc. Access to guidance, good practices, methods and technologies Characterisation, modelling Management, economics Monitoring, Compliance testing Measures (protection, Restoration) 1. 2. 3. 4.

16 Access to scientific information in a “policy-formatted” way
Third level: Policy officers, scientific community, RTD managers Access to scientific information in a “policy-formatted” way RTD programmes FP5/FP6 projects National projects LIFE projects 1. 2. 3. 4.

17 Coordination needs FP6, ERA-NET Research funding programmes Research
development PRB, RTD DEVELOPMENT Research use, demonstration DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ERAWATCH? LIFE Water policies Research Policy interface Research policy Research Demonstration programmes REVIEW Research progress Research dissemination Research Integration interface INTERREG III HarmoniCA, ‘WISE’

18 Conclusions Need for interface among research and policy implementers: Sharing knowledge on innovative methodologies / technologies; ensuring application by local authorities Coordination of existing mechanisms would boost information awareness and ensure that duplication is avoided Interfacing could lead to developing a loop from identification of relevant projects, testing and dissemination of information to end users – it would also enable to generate discussions on research gaps and investigate issues of significant and urgent policy-concern A ‘science-policy interface’ in support of water policies will only be possible if all actors are equally mobilised to ensure development and maintainance

19 Perspectives Development of a practical interface: „Scope paper“ presented at the SCG meeting in May 2004, describing links established with the HarmoniCA initiative – Needs to feed the developed webportal with concrete examples Integrating on-going discussions into the Common Implementation Strategy of the WFD: a new Research Working Group is under discussion, which could establish a link among the CIS and the interface development Internal coordination is needed among the different EC funding mechanisms to make sure that the overall ‚research-policy‘ loop will be established in a workable and sustainable way. The development of a ‘science-policy interface’ will be of direct benefit to WFD implementers. PRBs have a key role to play as ‘testing interface’

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