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Data search & distribution

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Presentation on theme: "Data search & distribution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data search & distribution

2 Existing GONG DSDS Data Storage & Distribution System

3 Quick-Look For space weather applications, speed is of the essence.
Currently get hourly magnetograms automatically returned. Yan Li’s page Expect to have near real time full data delivery in about a year.

4 But… Quick-look data will not be optimally calibrated.
Optimal calibration currently uses a 60-day running mean. How optimal is “good enough”?

5 Trade-Offs Is (1, 2, 6, 12, 24) hours after acquisition good enough for space weather? Is an approximate calibration good enough? Need to estimate cost/benefit of various delays in data availability.

6 Requirements & User Models
Some user models: Rapid availability for predictive capability. Best calibration for detailed studies. Happy with jpegs. High cadence for dynamics. Low cadence for morphology. Event driven. One-click shopping. Diverse requirements

7 Integration into Existing Systems
GONG DSDS Need better interface Automatic posting of summary images Virtual Solar Observatory Needs on-line data

8 More Questions Are specialized tools need for data searching?
Visualization Region extraction Should the older data be processed and distributed? Zero point will be high Will test pipeline Cost will be high

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