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Sociology Test 1 Study Guide
Ch. 1, Section 1 Ch. 1, Section 1: Vocab Words:
Social Sciences: disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and the functions of human society in a scientific manner. Sociology: the study of human society and social behavior social interaction: How people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior social phenomena: observable facts or events that involve human society The social sciences are: anthropology, psychology, social psychology, economics, political science, history sociological perspective: a point of view sociological imagination: The capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote topics to the most intimate features of human self and to see the relation between the two.
Ch. 1, section 2 August Comte: The first to apply the methods of physical science to the study of society, created the term sociology, founder of the subject Harriet Martineau: Sociological studies in the US and Britain, Scholars should try to improve society, translated Comte’s works into English Herbert Spencer: “survival of the fittest”, Applied biology to society Karl Marx: Emphasized how conflict plays a role in social change, revolution to speed up change, development of conflict perspective Emile Durkheim: Society is a set of interdependent parts, each serves a specific function, sociologists should focus on social phenomena, development of functionalist perspective
Ch. 1, section 2 Max Weber: Developed the concept of the ideal type, model against which social reality can be measured, sociology should attempt to understand meanings individuals attach to their actions Jane Addams: developed Hull House, helped social work in the US take off W.E.B. Du Bois: Studied the significance of race in the US, Sociologists should be involved in social reform and academic study
Ch. 1, Section 3 Functionalist Perspective: View society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system. Conflict Perspective: Focuses on the forces in society which promote competition and change. Looks at how those with power exercise control over those without power. Feminist Perspective: falls under conflict, looks at how men dominate women and anything considered masculine is more highly valued Interactionist Perspective: Focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society
The Scientific Method/ The Research Process:
Ch. 1, Section 4 The Scientific Method/ The Research Process: Define the Problem Review the literature Form a hypothesis Choose Research design Collect data Analyze the data Present conclusions
Ch. 1, Section 4 Causation and Correlation:
Scientists and sociologists usually try to find patterns or cause and effect within events. The way they do this is by looking at variables (characteristic that differs from group to group, and can vary in quantity). There are two types of variables, independent and dependent. Independent variables are is a variable that causes change in another variable. Dependent variables are variables that are changed. The first step is to see whether a correlation exists between variables. A correlation is when a change in one variable is regularly associated with another variable
Ch. 2, Section 1 Culture is all the shared products of human groups
Material culture: physical objects that people create and use. Examples are clothing, cars, buildings, cooking utensils Nonmaterial culture: abstract human creations. Examples are beliefs, family patterns, rules, work practices Components of Culture: Technology Symbols Language Values Norms
Ch. 2, Section 2 Cultural Universals are features common to all cultures Arts and leisure Basic Needs Beliefs Communication and Education Family Government and Economy Technology Cultural Variation is the differences between societies and groups within societies. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own group is superior to all others Cultural Relativism: the belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards rather than by applying the standards of another culture
Ch. 2, Section 2 Cultural diffusion is when cultural ideas spread from one society to another. Spreading of language by people who come from other countries would be an example.
Ch. 2, Section 3 American Values Personal Achievement
Progress and Material Comfort Work Individualism Efficiency and Practicality Morality and Humanitarianism Freedom Equality and Democracy Values change over time. Self fulfillment is a current value. It is all about bettering one’s self. Often times, it can lead to narcissism. An example of values, in general, changing over time is how preservation of nature is highly valued. In the past, it was not.
Ch. 3, Section 1 Ascribed and Achieved status:
Ascribed status is a status you inherit. It is beyond your control, things like brown eyes, your race, family heritage Achieved status: Status achieved through one’s own effort. Things like special skills, knowledge, etc Master Status: one’s greatest role in life, shapes his or her identity. Can change over time Teenager’s status is usually student
You play a role and occupy a status
Roles You play a role and occupy a status Roles are the behaviors expected with your status Role expectations: socially expected behaviors Role set: groups of roles attached to a status Each person holds more than one role Role Conflict: when fulfilling one role and the accepted behaviors contradicts another role’s behaviors Think of the parent/employee example.
Role Strain Occurs when one is unable to meet the expectations of a single status Think of a student struggling to maintain good grades in all of their classes, struggling to be a student Role Exit Process to detach from a role Steps: 1.disillusionment with current role 2. Start to search for new role 3. Reach a turning point and depart from old role Think of ex convicts. Conflict occurs with role exit because the “ex” is still expected to live up to their old behaviors.
Social Institutions How statuses and roles are organized to satisfy one or more of the basic needs of society The family: most universal institution The economic Institution: organized the production, consumption of goods and services The political institution: the system of norms that governs the exercise and distribution of power Education: the transmission of values, patterns of behaviors, certain skills and knowledge Religion: provides a shared, collective explanation of the meaning of life
Ch, 3, Section 2 Exchange theory: People are motivated by their own self- interest in their interactions with other people. Behavior that is rewarded is repeated. Theorists believe most of social life can be explained by people attempting to maximize their rewards while minimizing costs. Weaknesses: fails to explain why people join certain organizations, counters some social norms (altruism) Competition When two or more groups oppose one another Cornerstone of Western societies Generally seen as a positive thing But can lead to stress, lack of cooperation in social relationships and conflict Cooperation When a group works together to achieve a goal Social process to get things done
A state of balance between cooperation and conflict
Accommodation A state of balance between cooperation and conflict Think of the motel example Types of accommodation Compromise Truce Mediation Arbitration
Ch. 3, Section 3 Group: set of people who interact on the basis of shared expectations and who possess some degree of common identity. Preindustrial vs. Postindustrial Preindustrial: main economic activity is food production Postindustrial: economic emphasis is on provision of information and services rather than manufacturing. Types of Societies: Hunter-gather Pastoral Horticultural Agricultural
Groups have four major features:
Ch. 4, Section 4 Groups have four major features: They must consist of two or more people There must be interaction among members Group members must have shared expectations Members must all possess some sense of common identity.
Ch. 3, Section 4 Ch. 3, Section 4 Aggregate vs. social group
Aggregate: no organization or patterns of interaction. Think of people at a Tigers game Social Group Types of groups: dyad, triad Factors in groups: Size, Organization, time Primary Vs. secondary group Primary: Small group who interacts over long period of time, think of family Secondary: group whose interaction is impersonal, temporary in nature, classroom, factory
Reference group: A group with whom an individual aligns their attitudes and values with
In-Group/ Out Group In group: group a person identifies with and any group they do not is called an out group Characteristics of in groups: believe they are superior, view out groups negatively, separate themselves through others through symbols Electronic communities/social networks: how are they different from other groups? How are they similar? No sense of community like in a face to face community, in some online communities people act as they would in real life What is needed for groups to function? Goals assigning tasks, making decisions, conformity Leaders: two kinds, instrumental and expressive Need to perform functions such as assigning tasks, making decisions, setting goals Groups need to have a goal. No goal, no sense in group existing
Ch. 3, Section 5 Ch. 3, Section 5 Weber’s Model of Bureaucracies: What it is and be able to define the 5 characteristics Division of labor Ranking of Authority Employment based on formal qualifications Written rules and regulations Specific lines of promotion and advancement
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