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The Pursuit of Happiness

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Presentation on theme: "The Pursuit of Happiness"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pursuit of Happiness
Emotion The Pursuit of Happiness

2 Motivation & Emotion Emotion from Motivation (liking) Goal-Congruent
Positive Emotion Goal-Congruent Event Negative Emotion Goal-Incongruent

3 Motivation & Emotion Emotion as Motivation (wanting) Event
Negative Emotion Event Goal-Incongruent I gossip about a friend. I want to be a good friend. guilt

4 What makes us happy?

5 Happiness & Money


7 Money & Happiness Money improves happiness for those moving out of poverty, but beyond this money has little effect (a “declining marginal utility”)

8 Money & Happiness Money reduces the pleasure in “the small things”

9 Marriage & Family & Happiness
Marriage typically improves happiness Childless couples and parents are equally happy Children take a toll on marital satisfaction

10 Social Needs Those satisfied w/their relationships report above levels of happiness Friends (quality social relationships) are a necessary (not sufficient) component for very happy people

11 Maybe (S)He’s born with it?
Extraversion Conscientious Agreeableness Happiness

12 Hedonic Treadmill (a.k.a., Set-Point)
Proposes that people stay at and/or return to their level of happiness (i.e., their personal “set-point”) despite the situation

13 The Pursuit of Happiness
Hedonism (pleasure) Maximizing pleasure/pain ratio Eudemonia (meaning) Being true to one’s self (self-actualization) Engagement (flow) A state of flow (time passes quickly and attention is focused on invigorating task)


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