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Reduction of RPA2 foci in Rec114−/− meiocytes

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1 Reduction of RPA2 foci in Rec114−/− meiocytes
Reduction of RPA2 foci in Rec114−/− meiocytes (A) Immunostaining of replication protein A2 (RPA2) and SYCP3 in 15 dpp spermatocytes and E15 oocytes from Rec114+/+ and Rec114−/− mice. Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) Quantification of RPA2 foci (mean ± SD) in leptotene and zygotene oocytes from E15 Rec114+/− and Rec114−/− E15 mice (255.9 ± 77.7 and 26.5 ± 14.8, respectively; n = 36 and 35 nuclei). P value was calculated with the Mann–Whitney two-tailed test. Rajeev Kumar et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Kumar et al.

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