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Fluids and Electrolytes

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Presentation on theme: "Fluids and Electrolytes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluids and Electrolytes

2 Fluid performs a functions critical to sustain life:
Dissolve and transport substances--- What substances? - account for blood volume - help maintain body temp.--- How? - protect and lubricate our tissues.

3 How much water should we drink?
we all know the general guideline of 8 glasses of water. fluid requirements are actually individualized. -athletes may require more than the recommended amount. What are some ways in which our body loses fluids? Can there be problems with having too much water?

4 Electrolytes electrolytes in our body fluid assist in maintaining the proper balance between intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments and in the normal functioning of our cells and nervous system. four necessary for hydration and neuromuscular function are: sodium phosphate chloride potassium imbalances can result in severe health consequences electrolytes signal our muscles to contract

5 Sports Drinks Gatorade, Powerade, MiO sport sports beverages were originally developed to meet the unique fluid, electrolyte, and carbohydrate needs of competitive athletes. highly active people must replenish both fluids and electrolytes when sports drinks are appropriate: exercising in high heat/high humidity exercising in high altitude and cold environments during exercise if you have poor glycogen stores Most recreationally active people do not need to consume sports beverages

6 Case 1 Julie is competing in an intense and high profile gymnastic event this weekend. She has been training every morning and after school in order to be ready. She competes in all events but the floor routines. Do you think Julie will benefit from drinking a sports drink? Why or why not?

7 Case 2 Jimmy is the starting middle linebacker for his high school team, during a fairly intense game he plays 80 downs. Should Jimmy consume a sports drink to replenish his stores?

8 Case 3 Ward has just qualified to run the boston marathon. During his training he drinks almost 10 liters of water a day, but doesn’t change his diet. During one of his last training sessions he finds himself feeling dehydrated and wobbly. Do you feel that Ward would benefit from a sports drinking? Why or why not

9 Case 4 While at pikes peak near Colorado springs, a Vancouver family decides to hike up to the summit, which is a 6.8 km return and an elevation is 4302m. Is water sufficient for the family? Why or why not?

10 Case 5 Today is Ryan’s “leg day”. He starts off by warming up by looking at himself in the mirror and taking some selfies so all the ladies will know he’s working out. Then he moves on to bicep curls because that all the really matters in life. He makes sure to stop frequently to update his status on Facebook and chat to all the girls that are at the gym. Does he need a sports drink? why or why not?

11 Terms Diuretics Hypernatremia Hyperkalemia dehydration
thirst mechanism

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