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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon

2 Rise to Power

3 “First Consul” November 9, 1799 coup d’ etat- overthrow of government
1802- “consul for life” 1804- emperor

4 Government Council of State Tribunate Legislature Senate proposed laws
debated laws Legislature voted on laws Senate review and veto

5 Banque de France- 1800

6 Concordant of 1801 to heal divisions within Catholic Church
to prop up his regime

7 Catholicism declared religion of majority of France
Pope Pius VII renounced, placed under house arrest

8 Napoleonic Code civil law property status acquisition

9 Influence Finally ended feudalism!!!

10 Emperor

11 Empress Josephine

12 Consecration Dec. 2, 1804

13 Throne of Napoleon

14 Bed Chamber

15 Napoleonic Europe

16 Empire Expansion conquers Egypt, Italy, Germany, Spain
needs money- Louisiana Purchase

17 Louisiana Purchase, 1803 $15,000,000

18 Three Mistakes Continental System Peninsular War Invasion of Russia

19 Continental System Goal: to isolate Britain
no British ships in European ports

20 British Cartoon

21 Peninsular Campaign Portugal did not comply with Continental System
France wanted Spain’s support to invade Portugal Spain refused, so Napoleon invaded them

22 “The Spanish Ulcer” imprisons King of Spain puts brother on throne
Spain rebels French troops fire on crowd


24 Empire 1810

25 Ruling Family Jerome- King of Westphalia Joseph- King of Spain
Louise- King of Holland Pauline- Princess of Italy Caroline- Queen of Naples

26 Russia ,000 French troops set off

27 Russian Campaign How Russia won: avoided direct confrontation
retreated to Moscow burned crops

28 Sept. 14- Napoleon reaches Moscow
Russians had abandoned it and burned it to the ground.


30 Retreat 40,000 make it home

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