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If You Want To Earn Huge Money And President Status With Royal Life Style Then You Can Start With Following Rapid Growth System “SKY IS THE LIMIT”

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1 If You Want To Earn Huge Money And President Status With Royal Life Style Then You Can Start With Following Rapid Growth System “SKY IS THE LIMIT”

2 Total pv’s x commission@10%
Rapid Growth Income System Month/level No. Of distributors Total distributors Distributor x 50 PV Total pv’s x Commission x BV Income in Rupees Status 1 2 2X50 100X10% 10X40 400 Consultant 2 4 6 6X50 300X10% 30X40 1200 Manager 3 8 14 14X50 700X10% 70X40 2800 Manager 4 16 30 30X50 1500X10% 150X40 6000 Director 5 32 62 62X50 3100X10% 310X40 12400 Silver Director 6 64 126 126X50 6300X10% 630X40 25200 Golden Director 7 128 254 254X50 12700X10% 1270X40 50800 Ruby Director 8 256 510 510X50 25500X10% 2550X40 102000 Diamond Director 9 512 1022 1022X50 51100X10% 5110X40 204400 President Director 10 1024 2046 2046X50 102300X10% 10230X40 409200 Silver President 11 2048 4094 4094X50 204700X10% 20470X40 818800 Gold president 12 4096 8190 8190X50 409500X10% 40950X40 Ruby President *As Per Above System total Income in one year Rs

3 Rapid Growth Income System

4 Total pv’s x commission@10%
Rapid Growth Income System Month/level No. Of distributors Total distributors Distributor x 50 PV Total pv’s x Commission x BV Income in Rupees Status 1 3 3X50 150X10% 15X40 600 Consultant 2 9 12 12X50 600X10% 60X40 2400 Manager 3 27 39 39X50 1950X10% 195X40 7800 Director 4 81 120 120X50 6000X10% 600X40 24000 Silver Director 5 243 363 363X50 18150X10% 1850X40 74000 Golden Director 6 729 1092 1092X50 54600X10% 5460X40 218400 Diamond Director *As Per Above System Total Income in Six Months Rs

5 Total pv’s x commission@10%
Rapid Growth Income System Month/level No. Of distributors Total distributors Distributor x 50 PV Total pv’s x Commission x BV Income in Rupees Status 1 5 5X50 250X10% 25X40 1000 Consultant 2 25 30 30X50 1500X10% 150X40 6000 Manager 3 100 130 130X50 6500X10% 650X40 26000 Director 4 300 430 430X50 21500X10% 2150X40 86000 Silver Director 5 900 1330 1330X50 66500X10% 6650X40 266000 Golden Director 6 2700 4030 4030X50 201500X10% 20150X40 806000 Diamond Director *As Per Above System Total Income in Six Months Rs

6 Total pv’s x commission@10%
Rapid Growth Income System Month/level No. Of distributors Total distributors Distributor x 100 PV Total pv’s x Commission x BV Income in Rupees Status 1 5 5X100 500X10% 50X40 2000 Consultant 2 25 30 30X100 3000X10% 300X40 12000 Manager 3 100 130 130X100 13000X10% 1300X40 52000 Director 4 300 430 430X100 43000X10% 4300X40 172000 Silver Director 5 900 1330 1330X100 133000X10% 13300X40 532000 Golden Director 6 2700 4030 4030X100 403000X10% 40300X40 Diamond Director *As Per Above System Total Income in Six Months Rs

7 Total pv’s x commission@10%
Rapid Growth Income System Month/level No. Of distributors Total distributors Distributor x 400 PV Total pv’s x Commission x BV Income in Rupees Status 1 5 5X400 2000X10% 200X40 8000 Consultant 2 25 30 30X400 12000X10% 1200X40 48000 Manager 3 100 130 130X400 52000X10% 5200X40 208000 Director 4 300 430 430X400 172000X10% 17200X40 Silver Director 5 900 1330 1330X400 532000X10% 53200X40 Golden Director 6 2700 4030 4030X400 X10% 161200X40 Diamond Director *As Per Above System Total Income in Six Months Rs

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