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Pravin K. Shah JAINA Education Committee 509 Carriage Woods Circle

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1 Holistic Jain Spirituality: Comprehensive Approach to Ahimsa, Diet, Health, and Environment
Pravin K. Shah JAINA Education Committee 509 Carriage Woods Circle Raleigh NC Web - - Tele

2 Holistic Approach to Jain Spirituality
Holistic (Comprehensive) Approach to Spirituality Comprehensive means analyzing the whole system of Jain beliefs and practices with respect to Ahimsa, Compassion, Diet, Penance, Health and Environment rather than simply emphasizing its individual components. Ahimsa and Compassion Diet and 6 External Penances Health Environment

3 Goal of Jainism Two steps Process Samvar: Nirjarä:
Total Liberation from Karma / from Mithayatva (Ignorance) and Kshaya (Anger, Ego, Deceit, and Greed) Two steps Process Samvar: Stoppage of New Karma via Right Conduct Nirjarä: Exhaustion of old Karma via Penance before they produce the result (Sakam Nirjara)

4 Goal of Jainism Samvar: Nirjarä:
Stoppage of New Karma via Right Conduct Jain Practices – include Ahimsa, Aparigraha, Anekantvad, Physical Yoga, Spiritual Reflection etc. 5 Samitis, 3 Guptis, 10 Yati Dharma, 12 Bhavna/ Reflections, 22 Parishaha, 5 Conducts Nirjarä: Exhaustion of old Karma via Penance 6 External Penances (Diet, Health, Physical Yoga) 6 Internal Penances (Spirituality)

5 Samvar – Right Conduct or Practices
Ahimsa and Compassion Guide Line of Practicing of Ahimsa for Laypeople Nonviolence is the highest principle of Jain Religion However, life can not exist without violence Hence, for our existence (food and shelter) we must follow the path of minimum violence

6 Basic Jain Principle for Minimum Violence
The degree Violence inflicted is proportional to the number of senses a living being possesses…. Violence to a living being which has more senses (Five, Four, Three, etc.. in these order) is more sinful act than thousands of One Sense living beings. Violence to a living being which has more senses also creates a greater impact on the Environment Order of Violence: Human, Animal, Insects, Bacteria (two senses), One sense beings (Vegetables, Water, Air, Earth, and Fire) Since life can survive by consuming one sense beings, Jainism believes in Vegetarianism even though Vegetables have innumerable/infinite living beings which are killed for our survival (humans need food and shelter for survival).

7 Jain Diet – Follow the Path of Minimum Violence (Samvar)
Order of Degree of Violence (highest to lowest) Violence or Exploitation of Human Beings (1st order Sin) - food, clothes, and shelters prepared by child labor, or by exploiting other human beings Violence to five sensed Animals (2nd order Sin) - food prepared by exploiting and killing animals: Meat, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Sweets, Ice-creams, Fish, Chicken, Eggs etc.. Violence to four and three sensed movable beings such as flies, bees, insects (3rd order Sin)

8 Jain Diet – Follow the Path of Minimum Violence (Samvar)
Order of Degree of Violence (highest to lowest) Violence to two sensed beings such as Bacteria etc.. (5th order Sin) Violence to One Sensed Beings (minimum violence) Water, fire, air, earth, and pratyek vegetables have innumerable souls Root vegetables have infinite souls Usage of One Sensed Beings should be minimum for Healthy Survival

9 Holistic Jain Diet Food Criteria
Jain Food must be conducive to the Ahimsa, Environment, Health and Spiritual upliftment. One should not consume any food that can create the violence (Kashaya) within or degrades awareness Not to Consume Anishta Food and Anupsevya Food Anishta = Food which have no or very minimum nutrition value (junk food). Anupsevya = Not a Food (Drugs, Tobaccos, etc..) One should not eat any food that involves violence to Movable beings (Human, Animals, Birds, Insects etc..) Hence Eat only strict Vegetarian (Vegan) Food.

10 Holistic Jain Diet Criteria
Consume Only “Healthy Vegan Food” Food should be obtained with Minimum Destruction of Environment Consume Minimum for Healthy Survival. Waste is Violence Eat little less than your hunger and early in the day for good Health and for proper practice of Meditation.

11 Anishta and Anupsevya Food
Anishta Food:– Any food which is not good for our health or spiritual upliftment and yet we consume it only due to our intense attachment (taste) towards that food. Deep Fried Food Stale Food - Fruits, Vegetables, and other Food that has developed fungus (not healthy) Liquor Anupsevya Food:– Improper Food which contains no nutrition and hence should not to be consumed - Coal, Clay, Drugs, Tobacco etc.

12 Violence to Humans Two Categories of Violence to Humans
Violence to Oneself – from spiritual point of view, consuming food that degrades our health and awareness (junk food, drugs, liquor) Violence to other Human Beings – food, clothes, and shelters prepared by child labor, or by exploiting other human beings

13 Violence to Oneself Highest Sinful Act
1. Degrades Awareness or Creates Kashay Within: Food that affects our Awareness and hence our Spirituality (Samyakva). Consumption of any intoxication should be avoided first for our spiritual growth. Liquor, Beer, Opium, Bhang (Snuff), Drugs… 2. Degrades Health: Foods that have no or little nutrition value Deep fried food, Soft drinks…

14 Food Related to Animal Cruelty
Meat, Chicken, Fish, Eggs Dairy Products (highest cruelty to cows in commercial dairy) Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Butter, Ice-cream, Ghee, Sweets Eggs – Fertilized or Non-fertilized (highest cruelty to birds in factory farming) Honey (Bees are produced and raised) Jello made from fish Gelatin Varakh (Silver Foil) made using cow’s intestine.

15 Cruelty to Animals American Culture (Psychology)
“Most people care about animals and do not want to see them harmed, but engage in a diet that requires them to be killed or suffer” Classification of Animals – Pets, Wild Animals, and Farm Animals Treatment of farm animals can not be applied toward pets One can not crammed dogs in a cage similar to chicken, which deprives fresh air, sunlight, and movement. America - Dogs are Pet, Cows are Farm Animals Other culture - Dogs for food, Cows are sacred We have become so accustomed to (and often attached to) our forms of exploitation, often intertwining them deeply into our culture, religion, and way of life.

16 Cruelty to Animals Statistics Animals Killed per Day in USA Cattle - 130,000 Calves - 7,000 Hogs - 360,000 Chickens - 24,000,000

17 Cruelty in Dairy Industry
Cows are kept pregnant continually Slaughtering 70% to 80% of baby calves slaughtered within six months by the Veal industry or within five years by the beef industry Slaughtering the mother cow after five years of their fertile life while the life expectancy is 15 to 20 years Everyday, hormones or drugs are injected to increase the milk yield.

18 Impact on Environment Greenhouse effect World's 1.3 billion cows annually produce 100 million tons of methane a powerful greenhouse gas which traps 25 times as much solar heat as CO2 Water Consumption Livestock (Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Pigs) production accounts for more than half of all the water consumed in USA.

19 Impact on Environment Land Usage
A third of the surface of North America is devoted to grazing Half of American croplands grow livestock feed for meat and dairy products 220 million acres of land in the USA have been deforested for livestock production 25 million acres in Brazil, and half the forests in Central America

20 Impact on Environment (continued)
To produce 1 lb. of Meat, an average of 40 lbs. of vegetation is used. This calculation takes into consideration, the land clearing, as well as food for the live-stock until slaughter – Food cattle are generally slaughtered prior to 2-years-old Dairy cattle may live 4 years before being turned into burgers. To produce 1 lb. of Meat, an average of 2500 gallons of water is used. 1 lb. of wheat requires 108 gallons of water 1 lb. of rice needs 229 gallons of water 1 lb. of potatoes require just 60 gallons of water *Source: USDA

21 Impact on Environment (continued)
Waste Waste released in the Environment by American Meat and Dairy Industry: 230,000 pounds per second, polluting our land, air and water systems. *Source: USDA

22 Impact on Health Impact on Health – Meat and Dairy Products
High Cholesterol High Saturated Fats High incidence of Prostate Cancer Calcium Deficiency (recent study) Less Hygienic

23 Cruelty in Egg Production
Poultry Farms – Hens / Chicken are considered Egg producing Machines Confined to Narrow Space Attack One Another De-beaked Food Given Bone meal, Blood meal, Excreta food, Meat meal, Fish meal, Grain Unfertilized Egg It is the Result of Biological Cycle of a Hen but they go through the same cruelty Usage of Byproducts Cosmetics, Cakes, Cookies, Candies, Wine "clearing" agent, Shampoos, Skin Care Products

24 Cruelty in Varakh (Silver Foil) Production
Manufactured using Cow's Intestine (Ox-gut) obtained from slaughterhouses Thin strips of Silver placed between intestine and manually hammered to create Silver Foil. Used to decorate sweets, betel nut, paan, Temple idols etc.. Annually 255,000 Kgms used ($40 Million)

25 Jainism in Action – Eco friendly Religion
Caring for the Earth and Environment is the way of Life for the Jain Community by following the two key principles of Jainism in every day life Ahimsä Be Compassionate including to ourselves Minimize injury to all forms of life including Air, Water, Earth, Plants and Animals Be Strict Vegetarian / Vegan and avoid the use of complete Animal based products Non-possessiveness / Self-restraint Reduce our needs and wants as far as possible Reuse / Recycle products, Eliminate Waste Share Resources

26 Nirjarä – Jain Penance Nirjarä is the process of exhaustion of karma already acquired The karma exhaust themselves by producing the results (creating environment) when it is time for them to do so (known as Akam Nirjara). However at that time, new karma begin to pour in. Hence it becomes difficult to be free of Karma. Therefore, one should destroy the Karma before they produce the result. This is real Nirjarä (known as Sakam Nirjara)

27 Nirjarä – Jain Penance Nirjarä is done by rigorous penance
Six External Penance: Relates to Physical Body (Food and Exercise) Pre-requisite to prepare our mind for Internal Penance which is true Nirjarä Six Internal Penance: Relates to spiritual improvement of Thought Process (meditation) – It is a real cause of liberation Real Nirjarä removes/reduces Ghati Karma (Mohaniya Karma) before its Maturity

28 Nirjarä – Penance : External Penance
Anasan Complete abstinence from eating and drinking Alpähära or Unodari Reduce the quantity of food one normally eats Ichhänirodha or Vrittisamkshepa Control of desire for food and material things Rasatyäg Give up stimulating or tasty food honey, alcohol, butter, milk, tea, sweets, juices, fried foods, soft drinks, etc. First 4 External Nirjarä relates to healthy diet

29 Nirjarä – Penance : External Penance
Sanlinatä (Vivikta_shaiyashan) Stay in a lonely places free from all disturbances. Withdrawal of senses from external comfort. Käya klesha Tolerating physical pain voluntarily Last two External Nirjarä relate to Healthy Body. Healthy diet and healthy body are requirements for Real or Sakam Nirjara

30 Nirjarä – Penance : Internal Penance
Präyashchitta Repentance for Bad Deeds with firm determination - not to do it again Vinay Humility and proper behavior towards all living beings Vaiyävruttya or Vaiyävachcha Rendering Selfless service to needy and sufferings Swädhyäy Study or Understanding of self (religious literature)

31 Nirjarä – Penance : Internal Penance
Dhyäna Contemplation and Meditation on soul’s true nature Käyotsarga or Vyutsarga This is the ultimate internal austerity, where the activities of the body, speech, and mind are withdrawn and a person exist with complete awareness and bliss

32 The Book of Compassion: List of Articles
The Book has the following Articles: My Visit to A Dairy Farm Dairy Cows - Life, Usage, and Sufferings (New York Times) Recycling of Slaughterhouse Waste (Rendering Plants) Milk - Its Impact on Health, Cruelty, and Pollution Is Nothing Sacred? - Cruelty towards India's Holy Animals Vegetarianism - A Compassionate Approach to Life

33 The Book of Compassion: List of Articles
Varakh (Silver Foil) Facts about Eggs Story of Silk Story of Pearls The Myth about Milk Puppy Mills: Breeding Ills Alternatives to Animal Abuse How our Diet affects the Environment Note – All articles are available on Jain eLibrary Website

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