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eGOV WG september 2009 Stockholm

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Presentation on theme: "eGOV WG september 2009 Stockholm"— Presentation transcript:

1 eGOV WG 1 14-15 september 2009 Stockholm
Sustainable Development in Public Administration Dr. Folke K Larsson Swedish Agency for Public Management 1 Folke K Larsson

2 Sustainability Economic Social Ecological

3 Sustainability – two aspects
A sustainable public administration Public administration contributing to a sustainable society Folke K Larsson

4 A sustainable public administration
Financial sustainability of organisations and services Strategic planning of competencies and demography of staff Continuity but also new solutions Transparency Methods and institutions for analysis, evaluation and quality assurance

5 Contributions to a sustainable society
Stable economy Citizen/customer orientation Participative systems Efficiency in systems and resource use Respecting environmental limits Polluter Pays-principle Equal opportunities Openness, transparency, trust, ethics From output to outcome

6 Frameworks for sustainable development
Lisbon principles of sustainable governance Impact Assessment (IA) World Bank aspects on good governance UN characteristics for good governance OECD Sustainable Governance Indicators 2009 (SGI) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

7 Lisbon principles on sustainable governance of our natural capital
Responsibility Scale-matching Precaution Adaptive management Full cost allocation Participation

8 Working for a sustainable society
Mitigation Adaptation

9 Key barriers Lack of understanding Inertia

10 Public administration flagships?
Quality methods Greening eGovernment New methods of ”flexicurity” Sustainable pension systems Shared services Procurement as a tool towards sustainable growth

11 Pathways to the future ”No regret” alternatives Adaptive, step by step
Win-win solutions Buildning resilience

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