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Integrating History and Social Science

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1 Integrating History and Social Science
SSCI193 College of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Studies California State University, Sacramento Week 8 Ideological and Historical Concerns in Social Science Education

2 Quick Warm-Up On the course website under Message Board/Week 8, share the names of a colleague or two whose portfolios you visit because they produce good work.

3 Last Time Portfolio Observations and Feedback
Learning Community Discussion – Promoting Literacy in History and Social Science Education Learning Community Work Session – Historical and ideological concerns in History and Social Science Education

4 Today Learning Community Work Session – Meet and Greet
Learning Community Discussion – Ideological and Historical Concerns in the Social Sciences Portfolio Observations and Feedback

5 Portfolio Learning Community: Why do we study history?
What is citizenship education view of social studies? What are its goals? The assigned text pre-dates the adoption of the state frameworks and Common Core. What were some of the key “steps” toward establishing a social studies standardized curriculum noted in the chapter? What debates about curriculum are still going on today? On what did you focus your blog entry this week? What ideas from the readings did you reference? How did you integrate ideas from last week’s assigned readings and your blog topics into your unit and/or lessons?

6 Portfolio Observations – General Comments
Enjoying watching your portfolios take shape! Seeing personal touches such as pictures, quotes, and thematic imagery. Most have finished or are nearly done with a first draft of their unit and lessons. Seeing more instances of alignment across unit, lessons, and blog entries as explained on your Narrative pages. I’m seeing more people reach back into their memory banks to tap into specific moments in college that shape their thinking about their portfolio. Lots of conversations in office hours this past week about feedback and “doing it right.” Underneath these concerns is a general lack of comfort level with working on a creative project through several iterations and a fear of being punished.

7 Blooms Taxonomy

8 Social Reproduction Theory and Low-Income Learners and Students of Color

9 Portfolio Observations - Blogs
Much better titles! Make sure the subject of the piece somehow shows up in the title. Several folks described the importance of history in terms of their own personal development and how their interest in studying history or social science came to be. Some mentioned moments in their CSUS courses when professors really impacted them with the larger functions of historians in society and the importance of “historical thinking” as a civic value. Decent engagement of the assigned readings, but several of you do not cite or directly reference chapters by Dynesson

10 Portfolio Observations: Unit Pages
Your unit should provide an introduction or overview. A paragraph or two that explains what the topic is, how it is broken up, and what guides your views on the topic.

11 Portfolio Observations: Lesson Pages
Two trends: (1) Moving lesson plans to external pages (PDF) and (2) creating a separate page for each lesson/lesson plan (Alexandria). Encourage you to provide a breakdown of the activities (How in will you use your 50 minutes?). The group has begun to collect really good sources. Have begun to see rationales developing. You are encouraged to articulate why we study this. Again, how would you explain the “why” to students in ways that reflect their development.

12 Portfolio Observations: Narratives
Beginning to see the layers of people’s thinking. The links to your blogs are really helping to illustrate the decisions you are making in your lessons and unit plans. Thank you for posting your time logs. Again, this is less to do with surveillance and more to do with noticing the changes you’re making to your portfolio. As the story of your portfolio evolves, you are going to want to begin thinking about choosing headings and subheadings to guide your reader through your story.

13 Online Session 8: Online Session for Week 8 focuses on defining history and geography education. You will be asked to evaluate and add to your unit and lessons ideas from two chapters in Dynesson et al. I will be posting a prompt by the end of the week for your midterm reflection. You will need your initial reflection to compose this work. Both documents (your initial and midterm reflection) will be turned in together in hard copy when we return from Spring Break.

14 To Prepare for Next Session
Online Session Week 8: Ideological and Historical Concerns in Social Science Education Click on “Online Session 8” in the Course Schedule for instructions. The final prompt for this session will be posted late tonight

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