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Weekly Homework Due This Friday

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1 Weekly Homework Due This Friday
February 13, 2017 Peek at the Week Field Trip this Monday! We will be going to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo this Monday! Please dress your child for the weather and make sure he/she is wearing comfortable shoes. We will be outside and walking for most of the trip. The field trip is rain or shine. Most of the activities will take place inside buildings, but we will have to walk from building to building. If you are meeting us there, admission is $10. Please make sure your child’s lunch is in a disposable bag. Spelling Words: Digraph Review Please review all SH, CH, TH and WH spelling patterns. We will have a teacher-selected test this week. Sight Words: Sight Word Review Compound Words Texas Symbols Time to the Hour and Half Hour Living and Nonliving Weekly Homework Due This Friday Weekly Homework Packet Dreambox and Raz Kids Practice Read for 10 minutes every night 2/13- Rodeo Field Trip 2/14- Valentine’s Party, 2 pm 2/16 & 2/17- Early Release Days 2/20- No School ***Please bring all Valentine Goodies in on Monday! This gives Mrs. Terry time to sort through everything. *** Please send in box tops! The deadline is at the end of the month and they really add up!

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