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Hamlet. Act I – Vocabulary and Concepts

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1 Hamlet. Act I – Vocabulary and Concepts
Reget / Julious – 3,5,6,8,9

2 Concepts Soliloquy - the act of speaking while alone, especially when used as a theatrical device that allows a character's thoughts and ideas to be conveyed to the audience

3 Concepts Aside - a remark made by an actor, usually to the audience, that the other characters on stage supposedly cannot hear Question: What is the difference between an ASIDE and a SOLILOQUY?

4 Vocabulary Ominous Apparition Impious Perilous Usurps Jocund

5 Themes Appearance v. Reality Color
In Hamlet things are not always as they appear. Characters will often use perception and trickery to influence other characters Color A lot of colors are used to create a mood, tone, or image of a specific character Ex. Why would Hamlet wear black?

6 Hamlet Act I, Scene i Study Questions
Explain Horatio’s description of the Ghost. “Act I, Scene i, Lines 70 – 75” TrnsL8 2 TxT. What is your opinion of Claudius after this speech? “Act I, Scene ii, Lines ”

7 Hamlet Act I, Scene ii Study Questions
How does Claudius address Hamlet’s grief? Is he supportive, mocking, helpful, etc.? – Act I , Sc ii, Lns What does Gertrude ask of Hamlet? - Act I , Sc ii, Lns 120 – 130 Hamlet’s first soliloquy takes place in Act I, Sc ii. What is his opinion of his mother? Of his uncle? Explain. _ Act Im, Sc. Ii ln

8 Hamlet Act I, Scene ii Study Questions
How does Hamlet’s mood and tone change when he is around Horatio compared to when he is around Gertrude and Claudius?

9 Hamlet Act I, Scene iii Study Questions
Why does Laertes warn Ophelia about Hamlet? – Act I, Sc iii, Lns 13 – 32 What is Laertes worried will happen to Ophelia? – Act I, Sc iii, Lns What does Ophelia ask of Laertes? – Act I Sc. iii, Lns

10 Hamlet Act I, Scene iii Study Questions
What advice does Polonius give to Laertes about: Communication Friends Fights Class/Clothing Money Act I, Sc iii, Lns

11 Hamlet Act I, Scene iii Study Questions
What are Polonius’ instructions to Ophelia about Hamlet? – Act I, Sc iii, Lns 120 – 140 How is Polonius’ advice to Laertes different than his advice to Ophelia?

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