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Sohan lal Student id - A Career reflection

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1 Sohan lal Student id - A00126598 Career reflection

2 Where I am now in regards my career?
CAREER PATH AHEAD Where I am now in regards my career? My carrer goal is to be a entrepreneur. I want to set up my own 5 star hotel. My focus is not to earn money but to gain a good will and give customer fully satisfaction and loyality. To get the success and achieve my goal I am studying the basics of hotel industry course as a international student. What have been my experiences to date? I gain lots of experience in my life. Experiences play a. very critical role in life. I studied the basic of hotel industry in india. And to make my carrer in this sector I look for further study in canda. Now I am international student this change in education has definitely give me lot of experiences of international exposure and increase my confidence level too.

3 What skills come to me naturally
What do I enjoy the most? Meeting new people is my hobby and enjoy this so much. I like to communicate with new people , talk with them and share the experiences. Other than this, I like to listen music that gives me a relaxtation from stress. What skills come to me naturally Multi tasking is my major skills that I have since my childhood which is naturally I feel easy to do two three activites at a time that I hope will help me in my further career in hotel management.

4 What are my assets/strengths?
My strength are that , I can easily grasp new things easily and can comprehence fast. What are some things people ask me to help with? I have often seen that people ask me that how to do multi work at a time. What do I do well? I am well in communication skill, which is the key factor of every business.

5 Career map What appeals to me? What does my ideal job look like?
Better communication skill , co-operation, leadership and organizing. Career map What does my ideal job look like? My ideal job is that, which makes me happy and for me happiness is to do a job in hotel industry. In which I can directly deal with customers and give them satisfaction. What energizes me? Desire to do something unique energize me. As I want to establish my own hotel business and I want to face challanges on every walk of life which boost me to raise one step up.

6 Where do I want to be in next 5 years?
Where do I want to be in next 5 years? I wish to set my own hotel and for this I am doing well. Now iam studying the basics of hotel management and gaining the knowledge to set my own hotel. What is my preferred balance between work and personal life? everyone says that don’t mix their personal life with professional life but according to me both life runs equally. If I have good personal life the my proffesional life will also be good. What kind of work environment suits me best? An enviourment that is clear and friendly, noise free is best for me. That makes me more easy to talk with people

7 Road map for my career Do I have a calling in life?
Yes, every human being who take birth have calling in life. Everyone have desires for their aim my aim to open a sucessfull hotel with full of facilities and everyone feel proud on me especially my parents and my customers. Road map for my career How can I prepare myself and my environment to achieve my goals? I can prepare myself by learning all aspect of hotel business. That hoew to run new business and to meet this kind of situation I am working hard and grasping things.

8 What resources and tools/resources do I need?
To be a successful businessman and run the business smoothly I need lots of resources like good communication skills, trustworthy facality. What new skills and knowledge do I need to possess? I need lots of new skills and knowledge to work in the field like communicate politely marketing and depth knowledge of hotel industry. What new skills do I want to learn? What new skills do I want to learn? I need to learn to work in all type of enviorment and situations. Moreover I also want to learn how to satisfy customers

9 What existing skills do I need to develop?
I need to develop my communication skills and management skills. I want to make myself more strong in this skills. How can I commit to achieving my goals? I will gave myself another couple of years too achieve my goal so that I can gain more knowledge and experiences in hotel industry. What barriers do I need to remove to make this happen? Lots of barrier I need to diminished from myself like sometime I get angry very soon. And I also want to improve my confidence level.

10 How will I know if I have been successful?
When I get my happiness then ultimately I came to know that I have been successful. Because for me happiness is to set up my own business In hotel industry. Reaching out to people What new relationships I might build help me attain my career goals? I definitely will need new relatrionship and social network . Because without social network a business cannot be successfully run. So to became a successful entrepreneur I should have a strong relationship with my friends and family.

11 How do I know who can support me attain my career goals?
I definitely know that my parents , my brothers , my teachers and my friends will support me and help to achieve the goal in my life. Who have I lost touch with who might be able to support me in my career goals? I really feel bad when I think about this one of my uncle can definitely support me but unfortunately he was no more in this world.

12 What communities of practice currently exist that I can tap into?
Who have I lost touch with who might be able to support me in my career goals? Family and friends plays very critical role in everyones life .i got lots of inspiration from them in my life they stand like a pillars whenever I need them What communities of practice currently exist that I can tap into? Nowadays hotel buisness is global seperated there is a lots of competition in hotel industry . Its really tough task to lead . So for this a hotel needs to add a different variety of foods or to be a multi cuisine . I am a food fanity person and I know that how to prepare different cuisine that will certainly help me in my further carrer.

13 Thankyou

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