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Jeopardy Phillips Prep.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Phillips Prep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Phillips Prep

2 Jeopardy Minerals Rock Cycle Volcanoes Earthquakes Faults Plate Tectonics 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question Topic 1 A minerals tendency to break leaving
Jagged or irregular edges. $100 Question Topic 1

4 What is fracture? $100 Answer Topic 1

5 Return

6 The color of the powder of a mineral.
$200 Question Topic 1

7 What is streak? $200 Answer Topic 1

8 Return

9 The way a mineral breaks along a smooth flat surface.
$300 Question Topic 1

10 What is cleavage? $300 Answer Topic 1

11 Return

12 The way a mineral reflects light.
$400 Question Topic 1

13 What is luster? $400 Answer Topic 1

14 Return

15 The measure of a mineral’s ability to resist scratching.
$500 Question Topic 1

16 What is hardness? $500 Answer Topic 1

17 Return

18 The type of rock formed from cooling magma.
$100 Question Topic 2

19 What is igneous rock? $100 Answer Topic 2

20 Return

21 $200 Question Topic 2 The type of rock formed under high temperature
And high pressure but it is not exposed to enough Heat to melt it. $200 Question Topic 2

22 What is metamorphic rock?
$200 Answer Topic 2

23 Return

24 The type of rock formed from compaction and cementation
Of sediments. $300 Question Topic 2

25 What is sedimentary rock?
$300 Answer Topic 2

26 Return

27 The type of rock that may contain fossils.
$400 Question Topic 2

28 What is sedimentary rock?
$400 Answer Topic 2

29 Return

30 The term for the breakdown of rock due to physical
And chemical reactions. $500 Question Topic 2

31 What is weathering? $500 Answer Topic 2

32 Return

33 The type of eruption that is rare and results in clouds
Of hot debris, ash, and gas being shot from a volcano. $100 Question Topic 3

34 What is an explosive eruption?
$100 Answer Topic 3

35 Return

36 The type of eruption that is common ad results in
Relatively calm flows of lava. $200 Question Topic 3

37 What is a non-explosive eruption?
$200 Answer Topic 3

38 Return

39 The name of the molten rock that erupts from volcanoes.
$300 Question Topic 3

40 What is lava? $300 Answer Topic 3

41 Return

42 The term for the funnel-shaped pit found at the top of the
Central vent in most volcanoes. $400 Question Topic 3

43 What is a crater? $400 Answer Topic 3

44 Return

45 The place where volcanoes usually form.
$500 Question Topic 3

46 What is along plate boundaries?
$500 Answer Topic 3

47 Return

48 The term for the point on the Earth’s surface directly
Above where an earthquake begins. $100 Question Topic 4

49 What is the epicenter? $100 Answer Topic 4

50 Return

51 The term for the place inside the earth where the
First motion of an earthquake occurs. $200 Question Topic 4

52 What is the focus? $200 Answer Topic 4

53 Return

54 $300 Question Topic 4 What happens to the intensity of an earthquake
As you move farther from the epicenter. $300 Question Topic 4

55 What is intensity decreases as the distance from the
Epicenter increases? $300 Answer Topic 4

56 Return

57 The location of most earthquakes.
$400 Question Topic 4

58 What is along plate boundaries?
$400 Answer Topic 4

59 Return

60 Describe the intensity of an earthquake at a convergent
boundary. $500 Question Topic 4

61 What is strong and deep? $500 Answer Topic 4

62 Return

63 The type of fault that results when rocks are pulled apart
Due to tension and the hanging wall moves down. $100 Question Topic 5

64 What is a normal fault? $100 Answer Topic 5

65 Return

66 The type of fault that results when rocks are pushed
Together by compression and the hanging wall Moves up. $200 Question Topic 5

67 What is a reverse fault? $200 Answer Topic 5

68 Return

69 The type of fault that results when opposing forces
Cause rock to break and move past each other horizontally. $300 Question Topic 5

70 What is a strike-slip fault?
$300 Answer Topic 5

71 Return

72 The type of mountain that is formed when tension causes
Large blocks of Earth’s crust to move downward. $400 Question Topic 5

73 What is a fault block mountain?
$400 Answer Topic 5

74 Return

75 $500 Question Topic 5 The type of mountain formed when rock is
squeezed together, folded, And pushed upward creating anticlines and synclines. $500 Question Topic 5

76 What is a folded mountain?
$500 Answer Topic 5

77 Return

78 $100 Question Topic 6 The theory that the continents once fit together
Like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and is supported By fossil evidence. $100 Question Topic 6

79 What is the theory of continental drift?
$100 Answer Topic 6

80 Return

81 $200 Question Topic 6 The type of boundary that results from
the collision of two tectonic plates. $200 Question Topic 6

82 What is a convergent boundary?
$200 Answer Topic 6

83 Return

84 The type of boundary that would be found where sea
Floor spreading occurs. $300 Question Topic 6

85 What is a divergent boundary?
$300 Answer Topic 6

86 Return

87 $400 Question Topic 6 The type of boundary formed when
two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. $400 Question Topic 6

88 What is a transform boundary?
$400 Answer Topic 6

89 Return

90 $500 Question Topic 6 The physical layer of the Earth
that makes up the tectonic plates. $500 Question Topic 6

91 What is the lithosphere?
$500 Answer Topic 6

92 Return

93 Final Jeopardy Topic Plate Tectonics

94 Final Jeopardy Question
This causes the movement of the lithospheric plates.

95 Final Jeopardy Answer What are convection currents due to density changes in the asthenosphere?

96 Thank You for Playing!

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