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500 hPa height , surface pressure

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1 500 hPa height , surface pressure
2011 Feb 1 12Z Smaller scale features less evident in middle/upper troposphere

2 850 hPa , Feb 04-06 Feb 05 Feb 06 Feb 04 Svnoptic scale cyclones can develop rapidly (1-2 d.) and move generally eastward

3 02/02/2009 sfc 500 hPa Upper level trough westward of surface frontal low pressure

4 Feb Z Feb Z

5 Feb Z Feb Z

6 Jan 500 hPa climatology Quasi-stationary planetary-scale waves

7 Jan 850/500/300 hPa climatology little if any phase shift with height (in the troposphere)

8 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF JJA

9 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF tropopause JJA

10 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF JJA cold winter polar stratosphere
high, cold, tropical tropopause JJA very flat T contours in tropics

11 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF main tropospheric (subtropical) jets JJA

12 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF JJA midlatitude surface westerlies
tropical easterlies

13 Observed zonal mean u, T DJF JJA
polar night jets in winter stratosphere JJA summertime stratospheric easterlies

14 Mean meridional circulation DJF
V ~ 1 m/s

15 Mean meridional circulation DJF
Hadley cells Ferrell cells

16 Seasonal variation of the Hadley circulation

17 Different averaging approaches (Townsend & Johnson, JAS, 1985)
mass streamfunction Average at fixed p Average at fixed θ




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