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CPL Air Law ATC Chapters 8
Aim To review the Operations in uncontrolled airspace & uncontrolled aerodromes
Objectives Review VMC criteria for Class G airspace
Identify the minimum radio broadcasts required in Class G airspace Understand legal requirements for navigating in Class G airspace Explain the procedures in flying circuits at uncontrolled aerodromes Define SARTIME
1000ft above & below, 1500m horizontally
1. VMC in Class G airspace Altitude Visibility Cloud Separation > 10’000ft 8km 1000ft above & below, 1500m horizontally ’000ft 5km < 3000ft AMSL or < 1500AGL Clear of cloud
2. Radio requirements in Class G
Reports & Broadcasts Report: A mandatory radio transmission from an aircraft to an appropriate ATS Broadcast: A radio transmission from an aircraft for the purposes of providing traffic advisory information Requirements details in AIP ENR 1.1 para 20
2. Radio requirements in Class G
Glass G airspace broadcasts A number of situations require a broadcast from pilots operating in Class G airspace (AIP ENR 1.1 para 20) on CTAF Collision risk Departing from aerodrome – during taxi Entering or crossing a runway Inbound – minimum 10nm radio call Joining the circuit on a specific leg Making a straight in approach 10nm radio broadcast 3nm radio broadcast & stabilised 1nm radio broadcast Flying thru vicinity of aerodrome Must however, give way to aircraft in the circuit ‘Vicinity’: means within 10nm of the aerodrome (AIP Gen 2.2 glossary) Pilots of radio equipped aircraft must listen out and announce if in potential conflict. Pilots who are in conflict must acknowledge these broadcasts (AIP ENR 1.1 para 43.1)
3. Navigating in Class G airspace
Cruising Levels (ENR 1.7) At or Above 5000ft pilots are required to fly at hemispherical cruising levels Below 5000ft hemispherical cruising is not required, but preferred when at all possible Reduces risk of aircraft collision If below 5000ft then climbing above 5000ft, broadcast on FIA prior to changing, this will alert any IFR aircraft- especially on a clear VMC day VFR EVEN Altitudes PLUS 500’ 0000 VFR ODD
3. Navigating in Class G airspace
Tracking tolerance & avoiding controlled airspace ENR 1.1 para 18 – 19 VFR aircraft must be able to navigate with reference to ground/water A pilot must positively identify aircraft position every 30minutes Positive fixing is passage over an NDB, VOR, DME Intersection of 2 or more position lines intersecting no less than 45o within each other If both position lines are NDB’s, must be within 30nm of each other A flight path must not infringe controlled airspace by the following tolerances Altitude Day Night 0 – 2000ft +- 1nm +-2 nm ft +- 2nm +- 3nm ft +- 4nm +- 5nm Gliders n/a NDB +- 6.9o VOR +- 5.2o Dead Reckoning +- 12o
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures
Rules of uncontrolled aerodromes Uncontrolled aerodromes do not have control towers They are located in Class G airspace Communication is broadcast on the CTAF Therefore… Which aerodromes require carriage of a radio? All aerodromes except UNCR No radio required
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures
Rules of uncontrolled aerodromes AIP ENR 1.1 para 39-47, Circuit CTAF arrival procedures Default circuit direction is Left Hand, unless stated in ERSA Max speed 200KIAS Circuit Height: <55KIAS 500 AGL 55-150KIAS 1000 AGL >150KIAS 150 AGL The circuit size can be varied to suit the aircraft performance Default CTAF is (ENR 1.4 para 3.2), unless stated in ERSA Transiting flights should monitor CTAF and advise position if in conflict Avoid flying at an altitude below 2000 AGL to avoid conflict when ever possible
2. Descent to circuit height on Dead Side
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures Arrival - Overhead AIP ENR 1.1 para 47.5, Circuit CTAF arrival procedures Aircraft should circle & sight windsock 500ft above circuit height OR, at 2000 AGL for aerodromes with high performance aircraft Eg: Mildura, Whyalla, Kingscote, Mount Gambier Maneuver as required to descend on the Dead Side of aerodrome to circuit height Join Midfield Crosswind, Crosswind, or if from Live Side at 45 degrees to Downwind. 1. Overfly 2000 AGL 05 3. Join circuit leg 2. Descent to circuit height on Dead Side
3nm radio call & established on final 1nm radio call & intentions
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures Arrival – Straight In AIP ENR 1.1 para 47.6 Not necessarily recommended, but more time efficient Pilots on Straight In Approach MUST give way to aircraft in circuit Transponder squawking & lights ON Pilot must determine runway in use in advance, eg; smoke, AWIS, traffic Radio call at 10nm Radio call at 3nm & established on final Radio call at 1nm & intentions 3nm radio call & established on final Determine runway 05 10nm radio call 1nm radio call & intentions
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures
Circuits – Live Side Joining Downwind, adjust spacing as required to suit performance of aircraft If joining Downwind from Live Side, join at 45 degrees Base joins are not prohibited, but not recommended, join 90degrees to runway Turn onto final should not be lower than 500ft AGL ~ 1.5nm from runway 45o 90 o 05 No lower than 500ft
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures
Go Arounds Position aircraft on right side on runway to keep traffic & runway in sight Position aircraft on the left side if right hand circuits are in use Monitor traffic & maintain separation whilst turning crosswind Broadcast intentions on CTAF after go around AVIATE NAVIGATE COMMUNICATE 05
4. Uncontrolled aerodrome procedures
Departure Depart circuit by extending the appropriate circuit leg Turns contrary to circuit direction are prohibited unless beyond 3nm from aerodrome, or until at overfly height (2000 AGL) Broadcast on CTAF once departed 05
5. SARTIME AIP ENR 52. SARTIME stands for Search And Rescue TIME
Used to allow emergency services know you have arrived safely at destination Should the elected SARTIME be breached, emergency services are notified After landing SARTIME should be cancelled as soon as practicable Cancellation can be done via radio with ATS, pilot “REQUEST TO CANCEL SARTIME FOR USL ARRIVAL AT PARAFIELD TIME 0300utc” ATC: “USL SARTIME FOR ARRIVAL AT PARAFIELD 0300 utc CANCELLED”
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