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GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2005 PPT2.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2005 PPT2."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2005 PPT2

2 There are about 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying each vocab item out loud to yourself. Then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.

3 jai faim [jay fan] Im hungry

4 billet [bee-yay] ticket

5 je veux [juh vuh] I want

6 monter [mon-tay] to climb to get on/into

7 acheter [ash-tay] to buy

8 journal [joor-nal] a newspaper

9 bagages [bag-garj] luggage

10 musée [moo-zay] museum

11 marché [mar-shay] market

12 Noël [No-ell] Christmas

13 près [pray] near

14 loin [lwan] far

15 planche à voile [plonsh ah vwal] wind-surfing

16 réussir [ray-oo-seer] to succeed

17 sans [son] without

18 côte [coat] coast

19 plus tard [ploo taar] later

20 par jour [par joor] per day

21 fois [fwa] time

22 dur [duur] hard

23 sarrêter [sa-ret-tay] to stop

24 heureux / heureuse [ur-ruh / ur-rurz] happy

25 en pleine forme [on plen form] in good shape / fit

26 voyage [vwy-arj] journey

27 avant [av-von] before

28 après [a-pray] after

29 rien [ree-an] nothing

30 content(e) [con-ton / con-tont] happy

31 malade [mal-lad] ill

32 déjà [day-ja] already

33 bientôt [be-an-toe] soon

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