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GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2004 PPT3.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2004 PPT3."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2004 PPT3

2 There are 35 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying them outloud to yourself– then use the Powerpoint again to test yourself.

3 toujours [too-jor] always

4 aider [ed-day] to help

5 malade [mal-lad] ill

6 conduire [con-dweer] to drive

7 en plein air [on plen air] in the open air / outside

8 construire [con-strweer] to build/constuct

9 de retour [duh rut-tor] ( je suis de retour!) back/returned (Im back!)

10 agréable [ag-ray-ar-bluh] pleasant

11 séjour [say-jor] stay/holiday

12 sennuyer (je mennuie) [son-we-yay] to be bored (Im bored)

13 maintenant [mant-non] now

14 affreux/affreuse [af-ruh/af-rurz] awful

15 dispute [dis-poot] argument

16 encore [on-cor] again or still

17 moins [mwan] less

18 plus âgé(e) [plooz aj-jay] older

19 embêtant [om-bet-ton] annoying

20 jeune [jurn] young

21 vie [vee] life

22 voir [vwaar] to see

23 correspondant(e) [cores-pon-don] penfriend

24 SNCF [ess-en-say-eff] French national railway company

25 journée [oon jor-nay] day ( it DOES NOT mean a journey)

26 découvrir [day-coo-vrir] to discover

27 église [ay-gleez] church

28 tous les jours [too lay jor] everyday

29 comprendre [com-pron-druh] to understand OR to include

30 voyage [voy-arj] journey

31 aller-simple aller-retour [al-lay sam-pluh al-lay rut-tor] single ticket return ticket

32 gare [la gar] train station

33 car [car] coach

34 pied [pe-ay] foot

35 ramener [ram-mun-nay] to bring back

36 billet [be-yay] ticket

37 en vente [on vont] on sale

38 la veille [la vay] the evening before

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