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FIRST AID Ali Kelci Katelyn.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST AID Ali Kelci Katelyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST AID Ali Kelci Katelyn

2 Assessing the Scene You may have to give first aid in a dangerous place. Make sure the scene is safe As you approach the scene consider this: Danger: Move only if they are in danger or you need to move to provide first aid. Help: Who can help you phone for help. Who: Who is injured, how many are injured. Where: Where are you. Be able to tell Dispatch where you are.

3 Chain of Survival Phone for help/ call 911: stay with injured person and have someone else go get first aid and call 911 also if necessary ask them to get the AED Continue until EMS gets there and takes over: Ambulance Coordinated Care afterwards: Hospital Care *if you are by yourself and if it is safe to leave them then go get the AED and First Aid Kit also call 911 and return Start CPR: 30 compressions 2 breaths Go get or yell for someone to get an AED and use it right away

4 Chain of Infection Infectious Agent: Mostly harmless, when they multiply is when they become harmful Reservoir: Humans, insects, food, water, bed linen or books. Pathogens stay in the reservoir *infectious agents multiply here* Portal of Exit: Escape routes, Respiratory Tract and GI Tract, Skin and blood, and also Mucus membranes

5 Chain of Infection Continued
Mode of Transmission: This is how the pathogens get from place to place, it can be spread by direct contact or airborne droplets Susceptible Host: One that is capable of becoming infected, microorganisms must be preset in large quantity, *host must be susceptible* if you are immune you are not susceptible Portal of Entry: Pathogens need a portal of entry for transmission, routes of entry Respiratory and GI Tract, mucus membrane, cut on skin

6 Vocabulary First Aid: Immediate care that you give to a person with an illness or injury before rescuers arrive Bandage: Used to protect or cover injured part of body. Keep pressure on wound Stroke: Blood clot in the brain/ blood stop flowing to brain First Aid Kit: Small kit with medical supplies inside, usually medicines, bandages, wipes, ointments, etc. Heat Exhaustion: Serious often turns into Heat Stroke, caused by exercise in heat

7 Vocabulary Continued Heat Stroke: Life threatening –serious condition
Chain of Survival: Actions to treat adults with life threatening emergencies outside hospital Burns: Can be caused by heat, electricity, and chemicals Choking: When food/ other objects get stuck in airway/ throat

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