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Are HVAC, Plumbing, and Electric Workers Too Stressed?

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1 Are HVAC, Plumbing, and Electric Workers Too Stressed?
By Jacob Broerman Completed on: 12/5/13

2 Are workers in the HVAC, plumbing, and electric fields too stressed?
THE QUESTION Are workers in the HVAC, plumbing, and electric fields too stressed?

3 Why Did I Choose This Topic.
My mother owns an H.V.A.C, Plumbing, and Electric company. She would say she had stressful days and great days. Many nights she would come home and say she had a stressful day at work. I wondered what the average stress level for workers in these fields are. I decided to test if workers in the H.V.A.C, plumbing, and electric fields are too stressed.

4 My Hypothesis If I hand out surveys to workers in H.V.A.C., plumbing, and electric workers, then I predict that the results will show that they are “ok” with their day.

5 The Variables That Are Involved
Independent Variable(s) Field of work Dependent Variable(s) Mood; Stressed, ok, or content Constant Variable(s) Times of Day Workers Same Company Choices on Survey For Mood

6 The Procedure 1. Make Survey.
2. Decide a day for the workers to fill out their survey. 3. Hand out survey to workers and tell them they need to record their stress level for 3 times on that day (8:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 4:00 pm). The choices for stress level are ok, contentful, and stressful.

7 The Procedure (Continued)
4. Receive surveys from the people tested. 5. Record results and analyze data. To find the average mood give each mood a number. Stressful - 1, ok - 2, Contentful - 3. Add the moods together then then divide by how many were added. Decimals can be rounded if wanted. (Graphs are recommended.) 6. For multiple tests repeat steps 1-5

8 Data HVAC Plumbing Electric 8:00 am Content x3 ok x3 Stress x1
12:00 pm Stress x3 ok x1 Stress x2 4:00 pm

9 Data HVAC Plumbing Electric
The Average Stress Level of HVAC, Plumbing, and Electric Workers During the Day Mood 1- Stressful 2- ok 3- Contentull HVAC Plumbing Electric Time of Day

10 My Conclusion The question I tried to answer was, “Are workers in the HVAC, plumbing, and electric fields too stressed?” To solve my question I handed out a survey to workers of Ed’s HVAC, Plumbing, and Electric. On the survey I asked them to record their mood 3 times during the day at 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 4:00 pm. They could only record their mood uses the words: contentful, ok and stressful. Once I got the results back, I found the average mood and put the data into graphs. From my results I found that these people had “ok” days, on average, in their field of work. My

11 My Conclusion (continued)
hypothesis is supported from my results because my hypothesis was, “If I hand out a survey to HVAC, plumbing, and electric workers, then I predict that the results will show that they are ok most of the day.” Looking at my line graph that represent my results, I would say that the line that shows the average mood stays relatively close to the “ok” line. The average mood from my results was “ok.” From my experiment I learned that HVAC, plumbing, and electric workers maintain an “ok” day on average and that there is some stress involved with the job, but not an

12 My Conclusion (continued)
excessive amount. If I could make any improvements it would have to be that more HVAC, plumbing, and electric employees could take the survey. I would also change the survey period from 1 day to 1 week. I had a blast performing this experiment!

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