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January 14, 2014 Day 2 2- Science Starter: Vocabulary words Solute

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Presentation on theme: "January 14, 2014 Day 2 2- Science Starter: Vocabulary words Solute"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 14, 2014 Day 2 2- Science Starter: Vocabulary words Solute
1. Please have these Items on your desk. Science Starters Sheet AR Book Agenda 2- Science Starter: Vocabulary words Solute Solvent

2 Definition Solvent- The part of a solution that is present in the largest amount and dissolves a solute. Solute- The part of a solution present in a lesser amount & dissolved by the solvent.

3 Mixtures and Solutions
Solute and Solvent

4 Matter Homogeneous mixtures Pure substances Solution
Heterogeneous materials - can see two parts Homogeneous materials can see only one thing - one set of properties Mechanical Mixture Homogeneous mixtures They’re mixed together so well you only see one thing – it looks pure but it isn’t Pure substances You can only see one thing because there is only one kind of particle in it. Solution

5 Review Solutions Are solutions homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Are solutions mixtures or pure substances? Mixtures What kind of states can a solution be? Solid, liquid, or gas What are the two “s” words that every solution must have? A solute and a solvent

6 In a salt water solution…
Is salt the solute or the solvent? Solute Is water the solute or the solvent? Solvent What does the solute do? Gets dissolved What does the solvent do? Does the dissolving

7 A Salt Water Solution Solute (salt) Animation Solvent (water)

8 Dissolving

9 Solution Worksheet solute solute solute solute solute solute solute
solvent solvent solvent solvent solvent solvent solvent solvent

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